103-year-old former Central Special Service soldier Yao Zijin passed away and was introduced by Pan Hannian to Yan'an

The surging news reporter learned from his relatives and friends of Mr. Yao Zijian that Yao Zijian, secretary of the Discipline Commission of the former Central Bureau of Science and Technology and Radar Bureau of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, passed away in Beijing on the morning of January 12, 2018, at the age of 103.

In August 2017, Yao Zijian interviewed reporters at his home in Beijing. Central audio-visual map

Xinhua News Agency, People's Liberation Army Branch had previously reported that on May 23, 2017, Yao Zijian also attended the 90th Anniversary Meeting of Central Special Branch sponsored by China Yan'an Spirit Research Association and the Hero & Children Brand Alliance.

In 2017, the People's Daily Central Central Television's "Central Audio-Visual" section has repeatedly interviewed Yao Zijian at his home in an old residential building near Babaoshan Station on Line 1 of Beijing.

In 1915, Yao Zijian was born in Yixing City, Jiangsu Province. According to the Central People's Daily Central Kitchen "Ring Audio-Visual" section, Yao Zijian's parents opened a tea house in Xu Shezhen, Yixing City, Jiangsu Province. After graduating from primary school, Yao Zijian admitted to the Shanghai Jiangwan National Labor University High School Department. Schools do not tuition, not money, and give each student a set of clothes.

"September 18" Incident broke out, students took to the streets petition, the authorities ordered the dissolution of the school. Yao Zijian angry: "Not only did not read, no food to eat, nothing.He returned to his hometown, when a few months elementary school teacher. He pondered the question: "Why did I encounter such a problem, was it a free and unpaid school? No, it was a problem of the social system and a reactionary Kuomintang rule and only a way out for the social system was changed." He started to join the progressive forces at that time - the desire of the Communist Party of China. But how to join? He did not know, had to work first, but ready to join the party in preparation.

Early in 1933, Yao Zijian read the newspaper found that Nanjing KMT Central Land Survey School enrollment, all free. He entered it. At that time, the school was divided into aerial test classes, topographic classes, drawing classes, etc. Yao Zijian thought: "If we want to revolution, we must propagandize. If we want to promote printing, we have a printing major in cartography classes.

In August of the same year, Yao Zijian learned that his fellow countryman Shu Yue believed in the party and was also in Shanghai. Yao Zijian asked him to help find the party. In April 1934, Yao Zijian met with Lu Zicheng, a member of the CPC, under the guidance of Shu Yuexin and entered the party under the introduction of Lu.

Shortly after joining the party, Yao Zijian ended his studies in the printing class and went to the Cartographic Section of the Central Bureau of Land Survey of Nanjing to work as technical director of the fourth unit. He was responsible for depicting the printed map floor. He can get 28 oceans each month, living conditions greatly improved. In order to provide valuable information to the party organizations, Yao Zijian proposed that he be transferred to the fifth section of the Cartographic Section on the ground of eye diseases. As a result, he would be able to send and receive and keep a military map of proportions of 50,000 and 100,000 in the classified and top secret categories.

Yao Zijian will secretly write down the information that people who want to use the map to register their units. Came away from what map, he secretly pumping the same one for their own residence. "At that time, the internal rules and regulations of the Kuomintang were not rigorous, and we could not see any flaws drawn from the pile of maps or maps," Yao said.

Every Saturday night, Yao Zijian ends a week's work and takes a train to Shanghai with a map. He placed the map on the innermost layer of the suitcase and put on his clothes and books. KMT officers and soldiers see him wearing a uniform, knowing that he is not going to be screened. On Sunday morning, Yao Zijian arrived in Shanghai and handed over the maps and information to Shu Yue Xin or his wife Shen Yina, member of the Communist Party of China, and reported the Kuomintang's call for maps in a week. After the transfer of the map, Yao Zijian returned to Nanjing by train and went to work on Monday as usual. The whole process is like taking a weekend trip to Shanghai.

These maps and intelligence are sent to the Central Soviet Area through underground traffic channels. "For example, if a Kuomintang unit took a map of a certain place in Jiangxi Province, it indicates that they may want to take a military action in the area." Yao Yiqun said: "When we know this situation, we must first report upwards step by step. The leaders of the Soviet Area have the help in analyzing the enemy situation. "

How important is the map? Yao Yijun, son of Mr. Yao Zijian, gave an example: "For the first time in the 1936 Xi'an Incident, Zhang Hsueh-liang met Zhou Enlai and sent three gifts: tens of thousands of oceans, tens of thousands of legal coins and a colored map of provinces in China , Said: "Together to defend China. "This map was a precious gift at the time. If you do not have a map, you do not know the terrain, how do you march? How do you decide where to go next?"

Once, Yao Zijian suddenly encountered in his unit of one-line contact with underground workers Wu Xijun. The identity of Wu Xijun, when he was the TNT troops stationed in Nanjing office staff. The two never met within the Kuomintang authorities. In order to prevent any suspicion after meeting, in an impatient condition, Yao Zijian turns away.

Covert frontline staff often single-line contact, not a person who met on the line do not know. Yao Zijian had a second visit to the residence of Shu Shu letter to talk about the work of the pavilion and found that a young man in suits and ties are also. Shu Yue letter told him: "This is Mr. Lee." I saw "Mr. Lee" nodded and said nothing left.

In 1937, Shu Yue letter, Shen Yina couples transferred from Shanghai to Nanjing, Yao Zijian do not have to go to Shanghai by train every week. After the "Seventy-Seven Incident", Shu Yuexin and Shen Yiina moved away from Nanjing, and Yao Zijian also retreated to Wuchang along with the General Administration of Survey. At this time, his online became "Mr. Xiong." In addition to meeting the two men to meet the assignment, never say much. "The superior knows the inferior, the inferior does not know the superior. I lead you, I know you, but you live to where I am, what I do not know." Yao group said here, Yao Zijian joking aside: "Bear" is not "bear" Do not know, do not really know. "

With the development of the anti-Japanese war situation, Yao Zijian proposed to "Mr. Xiong" and hoped to work on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War. In April 1938, Yao Zijian was organized to go to Hong Kong Intelligence Station. He took a long vacation to the Kuomintang and left the KMT from then on. After four months in Hong Kong, the organization agreed to go to Yan'an. Pan Hannian, head of the Hong Kong intelligence station at the Chinese Communist Party, wrote two notes to him about "Yao Zi-jian has the enthusiasm for resisting Japanese aggression and has been working for the party for many years."

Yao Zijian ended the hidden battlefront career, carrying these two slips removed to Yan'an. The head of the Central Organization Department handed them separately to Chen Yun, head of the Central Organization Department and Lin Biao, principal of the Central Organization Department. Later, Yao Zijian entered the anti-Daiwa Central Organization training course. In October 1939, Yao Zijian went to work in the base area of ​​Suyu and Anhui, and later went around according to the needs of the party's work.

During the Cultural Revolution, in order to examine Yao's history of working in the Kuomintang government, the rebel group found his introducer to the party and then Lu Zicheng, the adviser to the Supreme People's Court. "Since I introduced Yao Zijian to the party in 1934, he collected military maps and intelligence from enemy camps and contributed to the Central Red Army's smashing of the Kuomintang's campaign of" encirclement and suppression "and the victory of the Long March. For his part of his work, he organized many times Fully affirmed and I can write proofs for him. "Since then, the rebels have not dwell on Yao Zijian.

"My father's underground work in the end played a significant role, who can not tell, only Lu Zi left this evaluation .At that age, choose to do this, you have to prepare for sacrifice at the expense of no one knows." Yao said a group.

Author: Yue Huai surging News

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