Should marijuana (or another drugs) be completely legal? Of course it has to be.

There's a topic which is very controvertial everywhere people talk about it.

You may have been involved some times in this kind of discussion, wherever you go this topic awakes different opinions in each person.

I often say that, as individual beings, we think different to each other and that's okey, but the thing is when some group of people don't want others to do something because they don't like. 

One of these things i'm talking about is the drugs, specially the marijuana. 

The marijuana is the most consumed drug in the world, is the most popular and can be also the less harmful one. 

Many people around the world are used to say that this drug could be the entering to others more dangerous such as cocaine, heroin or meth. 

I don't know if this is for real or not, and honestly I don't care too much. 

I'm really not a consumer of any kind of drug, but I am a liberty defender. 

I think that people should be allowed to do anything with their lives and the government must not interfere at all. 

Government should only interfere when a person is violating the rights of other, that's it. Not to "take care" of them.

The main arguments against could be some as "The society will lose itself", "The drugs cause too damage to human beings" or "I don't want my children to live in a world where drugs are legal". 

And you know what? The same thing happened with the alcohol, the same thing happened with cigarettes many time ago and believe it or not, the same thing happened WITH THE ROCK! (Come on...) 

Alcohol and cigarettes could be so harmful to humans as well, but no one really thinks that these things should be illegal, many of us like to use one or maybe both of these things. 

To be honest, I like very much beers and I have many friends who are smokers and also like alcoholic drinks. 

Alcohol and cigarettes could cause cancer, what could be worse than suffer a cancer? Cigarettes and alcoholic drinks may get you in that kind of trouble. Of course people are aware of this fact, but nobody says a single word against this. 

And that's okey, I think people must have the entire power of deciding what they want to do, no matter if it's bad or good, that's none of other people business. 

But let's face it, what would you think if the government forbids alcohol and cigarette? You may be upset not because you consume these things all the time but you would feel that the government is taking some liberty away from you. 

And trust me, I live in Venezuela and that's something really annoying. 

Liberty is the most essential thing for human beings.

People who are against this could also say that all humanity would become drug addicts, as if each person think exactly the same. 

I'm in favour legalize drugs, but even if one day it is legal, I won't be using anyone of this, and you know why? I'm not interested, my parents did a good job by warning me about the consequences of consuming drugs, and i'm not interested. 

I have many friends who actually consume these things and I have no kind of problem with them. 

Some parents want the government to do their jobs. Warning children about drugs should be problem of the parents, not of the government. And people must be free to choose whatever they want to do, consume, drink, eat or anything else, for good or bad it's not anyone else's problem. 

Advantages of legalizing drugs. 

Many drug cartels are responsible of many murders in several countries, specially in LATAM. 

In every criminal action, there is always a lucrative motive behind. Drug cartels exist as a black market created by the prohibition of the product, and where the demand exists, the offer will exist behind it as well. No matter if it's legal or not, it will exist. 

By making drugs legal, the battle against these drug cartels will be finally won. The way they offer their product won't make sense anymore, the drug dealers and drug cartel bosses will have many problems because people would stop buying the products to them and will go to a official shop instead. 

For a country, this would be a new inflow of money and new jobs created. Sign a free-commerce agreement would be good for economies as well. 

Many enterprises would invest in this new open market and will compete each other to offer the best product in the market, after all, the will find the way to make drugs less harmful than they really are because of the quality controls.

As a society, we need to advance and this is a step to take in order to do it. 

History has teached us that if some product is forbidden, a black market will raise in order to supply the demand. 

People need to be free of choosing the way they want to live their lives, no one has to take that liberty away from anyone. 

It's not about the benefits or damages caused by consuming, it's about the liberty that a person has!

And all the warnings for a child must be given by the parents, and that's it. 

Let's support the people's freedom! 

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all images taken from thanks a lot for reading! 

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