My Journey #2 Homeless life in details (Last blog about homeless)


For all there is a first time. A first time you are going to eat, the first time you fall in love, the first time you go to school and the first time you become homeless. I will never forget this moment in my life. In this article, I will give you more information on how it was during my homeless period. I hope I can inspire you with my story and if there are any questions, you can always contact me! Sorry for my English

My first feelings

It's impossible to forget about the intense feelings when you first become homeless. The first night you spend on the streets, where are you going? If you've never been homeless, it's hard to describe how the feeling is, but you can of course imagine it's very difficult. The first few weeks you live with fear and it's unbelievable. You do not believe you are homeless like most people. Nobody thinks they become homeless, but everything can change, which makes it overlook.

My first homeless night:

It was all new to me and I had no choice. From going to school to study to a life without roof. The first night was very heavy. I was alone, had no money, was hungry and thirsty. There were 1000 questions in my mind but the most important thing was how to survive. I decided to calm down and make a plan, but that was unfortunately not possible. I was official homeless. My first night I was accommodated under a small bridge in Amsterdam. Where else did I have to go to a bed and breakfast? It was a difficult night and I could not sleep because of fear. The fear was so intimate that I did not even know if I would survive this for the rest of my life. This was my first night, the worst night out of my life.

The following days:

The days flew over and I had given up hope. I was eligible with other homeless people who helped me. As you may have read before, I have been begging for weeks for food and drinking during my homeless period. Most homeless people spend there money on alchohol saying:, "If you're drunk, forget your emotions, just try it once." I thought of myself, I'm never going to start with it. Months passed and I was still in the same situation until I realized that an end had to come.

Turning point:

I was done and i tought, I want to improve my life. I'm just a young man, I do not want to be homeless all my life. I decided to eat a little less during the period so I could buy second-hand clothes and look more fresh to apply for a job. I had a goal and this goal was to find a job so I could rent a small room. As you have read in my previous blog, this is happily packed well and I'm still washing up at a restaurant today. I am currently doing a study for online marketing and im in my 3th year. Today, for a small number of online marketing activities I'm able to go for the first time on holiday, I will write a blog about this when I come back from my holiday.

I hope you enjoyed my blog and if there are any questions, I will hear them with interest. My next blog will no longer be about homeless life as I try to leave this behind me. If you found this an inspirational article, I would like to hear your opinion in the comments. Additionally, I would like to find it nice if you share it with your network! Thanks in advance!

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