Animated project about drugs

Drugs can affect the brain system and can be at risk of addiction. Today many people are using drugs that are not in accordance with the rules, so the cause of the danger to the self. For drug addicts that have drug effects. Drugs consumed in the long term can damage organs in the body, and spending doses of excessive drug use can lead to overdose that can cause death.

Adolescence is a transitional period from children to adulthood, where the adolescent soul is not yet stable. The teens are very easy to awake negative things and easily fall into bad things. Adolescents also have a great desire to try in new things, such as in drug use.

Therefore the author wants to make an animation about the dangers of narcotics titled Making 3D Animation Movie Socialization Drug Dangers. Where in the process of making this film made by a teenage drug user who eventually he also aware of the dangers of drugs for his life.

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