Vegan Mythbusting #1

I will be producing this series to bust the many myths that exist about Vegans and Veganism.


Yesterday I was on the whaleshares curation show, well my post was. This has always been a wonderful way to bring light to posts that are "undervalued". I have been on the show previously and I have spoken about that vegan whale project and what I would like to achieve with the project in building a support system for Vegans and Vegan applicable content for the platform. The show has been a fantastic way for me to gain coverage for the project and I am thankful for that. During the show it was mentioned that animals, lots of animals are killed in the process of harvesting crops that vegans eat. This then resulted in a whole load of the common myths about Vegans flooding in to the chat window. As I was on type only I didn't have any possible chance to respond. I did feel somewhat boxed in also as a singular voice v's many in the chat window. After all the post discussed my journey and my realization that veganism was the way I chose to live my life. Many of you will know I am not one to give up easily and I continued to make my points where I could. I thought that the best way to get back to people (should they be interested) would be though a post of my own, better yet a series of myth busting articles about typical myths that exist about Vegans and Veganism.

Firstly I think that we need to understand what Veganism is, there is a lot of misconceptions as to what it is. There are a whole raft of other causes tagged on to Vegans such as environmental and health etc. These are causes that I personally carry with pride as do many other Vegans. So what is Veganism?

Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

Myth busting #1

Since harvesting grain kills a lot of rats, fawns and nestlings, and slaughtering a cow kills only one animal, vegans are responsible for more animal cruelty than meat eaters are.

This is quite possible the easiest of all to refute. Meat and by meat I of course mean the flesh of dead animals is incredibly inefficient. The requirement for cereals, beans and oils to produce meat and other animal products is massive. The production of calories and proteins from plant based foods is by far more efficient. it also uses huge amounts of land, land that has been taken from natural habitats in southern amearica (the amazon) and other areas. The destruction of these habitats has resulted in the deaths of millions if not billions of native animals and the extnction of species at a truly shocking scale.





As we can see from the graphs above the land use for livestock massively out strips the amount of land for crops. Roughly 80 %SRC of all crops grown across the globe are fed to animals so people can in turn kill and eat them. By far the best way to reduce the amount of animals that are killed for your calorific and protein needs is to consume the plant directly and not by feeding them to inefficient "protein creators" who also destroy the environment as a result of the gasses created during the processing of plant matter.

I Hope you enjoyed this piece and the information contained in it.

So that's all for now folks, hit that follow button for helpful tools, Vegan recipes and thoughts, average poetry, comedy and random musings. This is a glimpse inside the mind of a moonunit.

Oh one last thing, I have set up my witness node. This node ads to the numbers currently supporting the whaleshares blockchain. Without witness nodes there would be no whaleshares to post on or make money off. Witnesses count on your votes so if you could spare a vote for me I would really appreciate it. You can vote for my witness here I am in the list but you can also go to the bottom of the page and type in moonunit and click "share". You can read my witness post HERE!

I could not have set up my witness node without the help of a good friend @ijmmai. Jamie has a witness too and I would love if you could give her a vote also. Jamie works pretty much nonstop in the the official discord channel and is always there to help people out. Jamies witness is called @ijmmaiwitness if anyone on the platform deserves a vote it is her.

All images unless otherwise sourced and noted as such are my own. Sourced images are clickable to show their source. My own images are typically taken with my Galaxy S9. App, and website logos belong to their respective owners and I have permission to use.


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If you are interested in our vegan curation please use the #thatveganwhale and follow @that-vegan-whale over on whaleshares, we are doing our best to get the whale to Steemit too.

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