Hold A Mirror Up To Nature


Ever the rule breaker, here I am to snap yet another boundary for myself. If you read this post, great. If you like it, awesome. This post is really for me. It's my self assessment, if you will. I had a rough day today. It's day 6 of no smoking and I'm feeling it in my back and legs. I've been moody AF. Work has come to a halt on the most important project of my current life, and I had my ass handed to me by someone I absolutely adore.

Medical Marijuana is legal in the state of Michigan. I would rather have a bowl than a bunch of chemicals smashed together by some guy in a laboratory. Weed is what it is. Nothing fancy, nothing that will make you need to take another something to counteract the negative side effects of the one manufactured by big pharma. One bowl and I am pain free from the arthritis from the waist down and to me that is everything. I also have ADD, which keeps me multi-tasking - by multi-tasking I mean starting everything and finishing almost nothing - or hyper-focusing on one thing for hours. I found that the Sativa strains really help with the something shiny syndrome. I can stay on task a lot easier, and focus on different things without neglecting any one thing. I ran out six days ago and thought I would try to see what it was like without it. Heh. Enter Miss Moody.

Day one wasn't terrible. I occupied myself with a lot of Steemit posts and commenting. Day two was, uh, interesting. I ended up going to a pub that I hadn't been to in a while to have a pint and a song - they always have karaoke on Saturdays and I am a closet diva. Sunday was hit or miss. A gnarly hangover kept me asleep for a better part of the day, but when I finally got moving, I could feel the dull ache settling in to my knees and hips thanks to my friend Arthur, but the pain wasn't terribly horrible. By the fourth day I was looking in my stash box to see if I had somehow overlooked a nugget, but that didn't work out. Day five and today were two of the most miserable days because I was feeling everything and one of my most favorite people told me that I needed to do this self assessment. I hate it when Zinc Saucier is right. Lawyers. Pfft.

I am an INFP. This much has been proven by the Meyers Briggs Personality Test. I have taken it upon myself to redefine their definition of an INFP (Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving) as an Interestingly Neurotic Fucked Person. I'm needy at times. I have confidence issues. I'm prone to funks and I have stretches of insane need for acceptance and approval. We can thank my mother for that seed, but I choose to feed it as an adult. Let's hope that my holding a mirror up to nature today will help me change this about myself. It's my biggest hurdle. I'm hoping that my writing will help me. I'm pretty awesome otherwise.

Here's to making ourselves better selves. Be it better contributors, better friends or better family members.

Thanks for reading.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

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