Being Independent

Few people understand importance of being independent in this world. Learning to support yourself is basic for any success you ever hope to succeed or achieve.

At end of the day, you are responsible for yourself, better handle your things yourself.

It's true that we cannot live in isolation, we have to maintain our relationships but they can only be part of our life , not our life. We can rely on them , they can make us happy but depending on others makes us dependent on them .

Everyone should learn the art of independence, its about living with your own self, it's all about you!!.We should learn how to take our own decision .

By the way, with this independence I am not referring only in terms of money, it's more than that i.e. wrt our thoughts ,decision ,inner self. We should know our worth .

I often see people , who are financially independent but not with other things due to different reasons like fear of loosing someone, fear of future, fear of being alone.

It is fact that one day or other at the end, we will be alone. So it's better , if we learns to live independently, learn to take our own decision , learn with experience, do not blame others for their fate so that at end of the day we can die with no regrets. Love the one who are important in your life without any expectations. I know it is hard for people, but believe me guys it is one of the best thing. And last not the least try to make yourself a better human being.

As very well said " In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is right thing. The worst you can do is nothing".

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