Repairing Flint's Water System vs. Attacking Syria - A Quick Cost Comparison

Construction and Destruction

The Flint. Michigan Water Woes

"The Flint water crisis began with an April 2014 decision by a state-appointed emergency manager to switch the city’s water source from Lake Huron water to a local corrosive river. The state’s environmental agency oversaw the switch and failed to require the use of corrosion control agents, which allowed lead to leach off water pipes and flow into households across the city. The glaring oversight wasn’t revealed until last summer." The Guardian

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Due to actions taken by the state, the city, and employees responsible for water saftey, Flint residents ended up drinking water contaminated by lead and other impurities. Lead is neurotoxin, doing serious damage to the nervous system. Wikipedia

The cost to repair - Most estimates of the total cost to repair / replace all damaged or dangerous pipes and other water systems in Flint hover around the $200 to $240 million range. Source

Now - The Recent U.S. Missile Stikes Against Syria

On April 14, 2018, the U.S. launched a series of missile strikes against Syria. In total, more than 118 missiles were fired, with estimates for the cost of the missiles alone going as high as $120 million. Source

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Throw in the various costs of mobilizing the forces and moving them into the area, and costs are well in excess of $200 million.

Does This Make Any Sense?

Every non-defensive foreign war action costs $Millions. Complete wars cost $Billions and $Trillions.

The money spent launching the April strikes on Syria would have paid for the complete repair of Flint's water system, with change left over.

Now, consider the $Trillions spent on foreign wars since 2001 - that would be enough to repair all U.S. infrastructure, 2 or 3 times over.

This is why so much American infrastructure is crumbling. Reference

For every bomb dropped, every missile launched, and every ship mobilized, another bridge, school or road goes without repair. Not enough money for destruction and construction at the same time.


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