Game Of Duality

Forgive me, sister, brother, for I have dreamed...

About Us.

About our mission, who WE are.
About OUR products and services.
How valuable they are. At what cost...
About 'their' G-Rate War-K and our long weeks.

About the bibles. And their sins and their sons.
About the Sun. About my сън /bulgarian: 'dream'/.

I think that we'll have to talk about 'The Boss', as I
often refer to It, to sneak my (p)reference between
the numerous labels and fairy-tales, which are
haunting this realm and our minds'.

We need to talk about God. Not the father, not the son...
maybe little bit about the Spirit. Not Allah and not the
Buddha; not ChiZeus, not U.S., not even iOS and definitely
not about Yess-you-areh.


To speak about It, is to think about It. That's how you
make it real. You real-eyes it. YOU make it happen. You.

God is real. As me and you. We can spend the time of our
ancestors and the time of our successors, arguing about
our little meanings around it, but I think that it will
bee m ore 'productive' and 'progressive' to just
acknowledge its existence. That is - to admit ours'.

No games, no balls, no simulations and real virtuality. No money,
no sexes, no stress, no complexes. No transitions and jams.
None of these would be possible for us to name, if there was not
a beginning. For something cannot come from nothing. Maybe in the
cogni-dissonant minds of the solved mathemagicians it can.
But it has no actuality.

After we talk about IT, maybe we will have the courage to talk...
With It. Within. Us.

God is there. And only there. God is us. And we are gods.

God is dead. It died so we can be. It is no more.
What it was - no one knows and no one ever will know.

It was, and 'decided' to 'stop' being, so we ca be... Beings.

That's the greatest thing I can imagine someone can be for
someone else. The ultimate transmutation.
The end of everything, so it can be something.

...and something we are.

I'm with the impression that every single one of us is living
for either to proof to himself that there is God, or that there
is no Бог /bg again/. This is just silly, as we 'god' it right there...
It is th(in)king in our heads, feeling with our senses. Pumping our blood.
It is living by and for us.

...and I'm deeply ashamed and astonished, and horrified and outraged
with what we are doing with Its power. Our world is mess. We are a mess.

...and this is my mess age:

Talk about God. Talk with God. Talk like God.

...maybe You will hear an echo...

Love you all,

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