The Dark Night Of the Soul

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Dear ones when you face a challenge that’s the end product of your false belief system or a thought pattern of negativity, the unenlightened mind wants to blame the result on outside forces preferring to see it as punishment from God rather than the end product of their own misalignment. However, when you enter the period referred to as the dark night of the soul, it’s more about cleansing the inappropriate thought and belief systems than it is about meeting the end product of your thoughts and actions.

Let us explain! Everyone who is thinking faces the consequences of those thoughts. Every thought brings with it a natural order of events that follow in their wake. The one who is asleep encounters the thought, they’ve made physical and has no ability to recognize it as something they’ve made. They don’t understand that their thoughts become the things they’re now experiencing. They see it as everything happening to them but not through them or because of them or any of their thoughts or actions. Those who are asleep see themselves as powerless and believe themselves to be victims at the mercy of the world they inhabit.

Those who have awakened and have begun their spiritual journey can no longer see themselves as victims. They recognize that it’s their thoughts, their beliefs and their actions which have led them to this precipice. They know that they’re merely receiving the end product of their energetic creation and that no one and nothing has the power to hurt them unless they believe that it’s possible. They know they receive what they put forth so they should be making more of an effort to put good feelings, thoughts and actions into the world. They also recognize that they’re not being punished they’re simply receiving. This group, the awakened ones, who have consciously placed themselves on the path of enlightenment can and will be held accountable for their thoughts, feelings and actions. Those who are asleep receive a nudge, a shove to move in the right direction. Those who are awake, know better, and they receive the full impact of a poor decision. This brings us to the purpose of the dark night of the soul.

Before we can accurately describe what it is you must understand what it’s not. It’s not punishment. God doesn’t punish. You’re not being punished by the Divine. When you decide to explore your authentic self and your connection to Source you begin searching for truth. Looking for what’s correct and what’s been distorted by the ego. This means that you must sort through all your belief systems. You must let go of past trauma. You must release all outside factors that have previously defined you so that you can discover who you are. During any current lifetime and picked up from previous lifetimes will be experiences and traumas, belief systems and ideologies that you may have used to define yourself. Some of these will be beneficial but most will be false trappings that mask the authentic self. Labels such as, “I’m not worthy, good enough, pretty enough, intelligent enough.” They’re your growth mechanism but they’re not your truth. A dark night of the soul comes to unveil the authentic self as it strips away the small self, the weak and powerless self.

When you have experiences labeled dark night of the soul you are laying bare all that you believe to be true about yourself. You’re stepping outside the self that the ego identifies with and you’re looking at what serves you and what’s no longer in your highest good. An example of this is the one who’s become arrogant due to their success. The ego is busy supporting their arrogance and trying to hide all thoughts of insecurity with bluster and false confidence but the individual always feels like their one small step away from disaster. They live in a world of anxiety in which they fear being discovered for who they really are. The ego believes they’re really small and insignificant favored with some good fortune that’s certain never to come again. They live with the what if I fail philosophy.

Their authentic self knows the truth of their being and is trying to gain the individual’s attention. If pushed far enough by ego driven fears the ego’s control will crack and the descent into the dark night of the soul will commence. As this time all of the fears, insecurities and not good enough will come pouring out. The individual may feel overwhelmed and break down under the pressure of facing their hidden beliefs but the dark night of the soul is designed to free each individual from the ego’s grip not destroy them. Once the crack has formed and the break is imminent, the night of your life, the part of your life lived in the darkness of the ego, begins to fade. As you work through the pain caused by the false belief system your inner light, your inner radiance begins to shine forth and leads you into the daytime of your life where the light is shining brightly with the truth of who you really are, a powerful creator with God. The dark night period is simply the period of transformation during which you move from the darkness of not knowing and claiming no responsibility into the place of all knowing where you eagerly take responsibility for your life and your actions.

Rather than fear a dark period in your life, learn to welcome it. A time of overwhelming darkness is merely signaling to you that you’re ready to release old behaviors and thought patterns that are not serving your highest good. When you run toward the false belief and examine it for what it is you gain perspective and knowledge. You become wiser and stronger. When you run away because you fear the darkness you allow the dark to grow and you become weaker and more vulnerable.

You are powerful. Take responsibility for where you are now, change the habits, belief systems and thoughts that are holding you stuck and be rewarded with a victorious self, filled with the power to create miracles.

Marcia Martin M Ed – The Heart Healer, your relationship expert, guides you in improving all of your relationships, beginning with the most important one, yourself. Using her extensive education as well as her intuitive gifts she will bring you a breakthrough in gentle transformation. Using her proprietary method: The Spiritual Heart Healing Technique, she guides you in accessing the memories that are holding you, prisoner. By eliminating the unconscious program that is running in the background and sabotaging your life, you experience true freedom.

Her program targets the energetic heart center where every emotional memory and its triggers are stored. Once these memories are cleared and healed you are able to live life on your terms, as your authentic self, empowered to live your life on purpose as the person you came here to be. Heal your heart and transform your life!

Message her for a complimentary, thirty-minute consultation at

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