Challenging the old narratives

There are always some customs in the society which are considered to be unalterable and holy. Anyone challenging these customs is labeled as a heretic. For example, in our society, a woman is supposed not to marry again with another man after she is divorced or her husband is dead. This tradition has no roots in our religion nor in the morality but it has become a norm and most of the people practice it and anyone ignoring it has to face the taunts of the society.
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Similarly, if a man establishes a relationship with a woman, he mostly boasts about it but if the society comes to know that a particular woman is having a relationship, she is considered to be a shame on the family and tribe. There are many other such old narratives which need to be challenged and changed but the task is not easy since people have practiced it for decades and even centuries.

Now let me give you an example from the West. I have heard a lot in the news about the young people in the West going on a killing spree because they don’t have Girlfriends/Boyfriends. The proud feeling of others around makes that particular person suffer from inferiority complex and ultimately he/she wants to finish people around him and even himself.

These traditions and norms need to be changed but one thing must be kept in mind that change starts from within oneself.

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