Hello everyone! So this is my very first post well not including my intro ofcourse. Hope you like it!


Signs that maturity already hits you.

  1. You would rather sleep on a Friday night than go on a party. Sleep is already a need for you. Gone are those “sleep is for the weak” days.

  2. You know how to deal with your problems. You have this sense of responsibility not to rant or talk about your personal stuff on social media.

  3. You are now responsible with your bills. You do not ask your parents to pay for your things. Adulting just hits you so hard.

  4. You do not settle for temporary relationship anymore. You take time in love. If you want to fall in love again, you wanted it to be for keeps. No more games!

  5. You allow people to go out of your life if they want to. You do not force relationships and friendships anymore. You are good doing your own thing!

  6. You do not compare your life with other people. You understand that you have your own struggles and you have a different journey to take.

  7. You have become more tactful and careful with your words. You have become more sensitive with other people’s feelings.

  8. You already know your battles in life. You do not tend to overreact on things. You know that there are things not worth draining your energy.

  9. You care less about what people say about you. You understand that some people will not like you at some point. You do not let their opinion shape who you are. You know yourself better than anybody else.

  10. You just love yourself so much. You pamper yourself. You prioritise yourself. You take care of yourself because you know that no one will do it for you. Self-love has long been overdue!

Some of us are dumb about maturity.. Maturity develops not in age but at the right time and also in experiences of an individual.

Hope you like this
Thankyou for reading!
Have a Great Day!

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