No bikes today, just fun. Or was it?



It started early today as I knew the grass was getting out of hand and long.

8am until 1 pm was just cutting grass, no break except for refilling of fuel in the lawnmower. I still have at least 3 more days of cutting grass - but the truth is if I wanted to cut it all I would never have a single day off.

Although it is at my own pace and in my own good time, so not so much of a chore as it would be if it was for a living.

Onto the gun in the picture, it is one that did not cost a lot, well not by @galenkp standards anyway - but this one is just for fun.

I have two handguns not pictured and a shotgun, allowed due to being a land owner with a farm, see it has it's perks. The air rifle pictured is an American one I do believe - Benjamin discovery.

It is very cheap to use and maintain, and has never shot anything but targets anyway, I do not need to kill for food, so I do not. My youngest daughter now 8 also mastered this gun last year.

If I so desired & as we get deer passing by and a whole load of pheasants, I could if it took my fancy shoot, kill, skin and eat them, but it just does not float my boat as we Brits say.

I have owned co2 rifles, and that gets costly due to the need to keep replacing the small bottles, it also always plays on my mind how many shots I had left, this gun cures that as it pumps up with this below. They were 40 shots on average at full power.




You also get a nice workout pumping it back up till full, it connects to the front of the rifle as below.


It seems on average I get 100 plus shots before a refill is required.
As it is only for fun I use lightweight pellets as below.



Well the gun was a used one when I bought it so I got it quite cheap, £150, the Chinese scopes whilst not brilliant were off eBay and £30, the pump cost near on £100 and was also new. Pellets well they are so cheap it is not even worth talking about.

Accuracy? Depends on scope and me I suppose. I set up this target at dead on 50 feet, I was aiming for the brown or golden round bit, and came in low at around 1/2 inch below.



I have or we have 3 cats that made the barns and anywhere else they desire home, not a one of them is an indoor cat. See below, we also have a dog of our own, but feed the one below daily, as his owner does not, he too is an outdoors animal.


One thing you can see in the photos above from yesterday, is that I was not joking about the grass needing to be cut.

Those 3 cats moved in by choice, we never picked them - they picked us.

One of the black cats was 100% wild when it arrived 2 years ago, now at least most of the time you can stroke it, but not every time though.

The dog has been beaten badly and cowers if you raise your arm, shame as it is only small, and beating animals is cruel, also I do not get what kicks his owner gets from such actions, weird world, weird people.

So that is me for the rest of the day, chilling in the sunshine with a glass of wine surrounded by animals of all types. Not another living person for miles, tranquility at it's finest.

Wishing you as good a day as mine.

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