Mood Booster

In our daily life there are so many thing that can get us down. From little things, like hitting that snooze button too many times, not having breakfast and morning coffee, then getting late to work because traffic was so bad you didn't make it anyway, to something more depressing like loosing a friend on facebook or a job or having hearth broken, you name it. So many things, hundreds of thousands of them. All to get you down! 

But what can help us to get back on track? I will share with you few things that help me.

  1. I've created gallery of pictures that reminds me of people and everything else that I care in my life. Pictures like this
  2. Go for a walk, if you have a pet take it with you,
  3. Watch funny videos,
  4. Speak to a good friend,
  5. Go shopping and spoil yourself, but make sure you wont regret it later ;) Know your limits,
  6.  Do a good deed,
  7. Have a snack,
  8. Sing a song,
  9. Exercise,
  10. Meditate.

These are mine little helpers. I'm curious what helps you overcome difficult times, share it with us below in the comments.

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