The Beauty from within Does Matter

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. — Maya Angelou


This is a very simple yet a very meaningful quote. Literally you would think that it would mean only something about the light , the bulb , a lamp and the likes. But it's more to that. It's talking about human's personality. The beauty that's coming from within and not just what's on the outside.

Let's say you have human A , He is goodlooking , have all the material thubgs in the world . He is famous . He owns almost everything and he is like a dream for everybody. A dream of life , of fame , of good looks , of wealth. But let's have a look on his attitude, is it also pleasant? No. He uses his power and wealth to rule everybody and to be a known someone. He doesn't look down to the poor people. He just love to love himself.

Let's go to human B. He is just a simple man . Simple life. happy family . He just lives in a small village . Have his work , working asan employee in a company . He also do some volunteer works for the community and are helping those street children and most of the time visiting old people in the home for aged- house. He's more of a humble person , very smart as well and very loving and caring to his family.

You see the difference between human A and human B? They are both human yes. but they do differ on the things they haveand their attitude towards those and the people around them. No matter how beautiful you may look from the outside. If you don't have this shining light from the inside . The beauty of your heart. It's all non sense. We ahould always be mindful of our attitude and behavior no matter you are rich or poor , or whatever status you would have. Just spread @gratefulvibes and Love to all

your cuties ,

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