Being a freelancer vs. Having a normal job

Being a freelancer is hard work! Having a normal job is...also hard work. But what's the difference?


As mentioned in my previous post, most advices I got before becoming a freelancer are that I needed a full-time job experience before I do anything on my own, but here's a very important part they didn't mention: As soon as I get a job, it will be difficult to get out of it.


Well, while having a job:

  • I'll adapt my shopping needs based on the monthly income.
  • It creates a fairly predictable lifestyle, so I wouldn't need to worry about tomorrow.
  • My boss tells me what to do. There's not much initiative that's required when working FOR someone.
  • Work and home are 2 very different places.
  • I'll have to work with people.

When I'll want to quit and go freelance...

  • In case being a freelancer doesn't work, I can't get that job back.
  • Unless I have some savings, it would be hard to readjust back to a very economical lifestyle for the first few months - at least.
  • The risk of jumping into an unpredictable start can be overwhelming. And the more I keep that job, the harder it is to get out of it.
  • I'd have complete power and decision over what, when and how to work on my projects. I'd have to motivate myself everyday. If I'm not disciplined, being on my own can be quite a challenge.
  • Not everyone can get used to working from home.
  • Sometimes, working at home without colleagues could make me feel lonely.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

If I'd get a job, my free time would mostly be used for sleeping, my life will look the same as my colleagues, I'd be forced to follow a specific program and work with fixed projects that might not like. But being a freelancer is not easy either:

  • I have to be my own accountant and my own boss - and that takes lots of extra time.
  • No one tells me when to wake up, so I have to make my own daily schedule.
  • My life becomes very different than most others around me.
  • If I loose customers, I am the one that has to go out there hunting for new ones.

Is freelancing for everyone?

Let's be realistic here. Working is often exhausting, freedom is hard to maintain and life is full of difficult decisions, if you choose to look at it that way. Any decision you take will require an amount of sacrifices, and the rewards depend on your effort and willingness to evolve at a professional level.

Becoming a freelancer is possible for anyone. It's as easy as making an account on a freelance site and all you have to do is apply for projects. And still, BEING a freelancer is NOT for everyone. And you can't really know if you can be one, unless you try it and find out for yourself.

There's been times when I had difficulties seeing the difference between the good and bad of working for someone or for myself, and used a lot of time figuring out what fits me. In the end, I chose to work independently because I love it! I love waking up and tucking in bed for half hour longer. I love using my morning time reading a book or listening to a new piece of music, or writing down new ideas for my next project. Working is enjoyable because I choose my own projects, manage my own customers and create my own, special working environment :) And it's all worth it!

So you want to be a freelacer, but how do you know if you'll manage it?

You don't. That's the beauty of being your own boss. You learn how to deal with unpredictable situations on the way. You find out what to learn from rejections and how to enjoy projects well done. So get out there and try it out!

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more!

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