What's more valuable than money?!


What are the things you value more than money?

Do you think Michael Jordan would have given up his pursuit of playing basketball for a six figure job right out of high school? Wouldn't that have been a shame if he took it? Everyday there are decisions to be made on what paths we choose. Are we choosing the correct one? How do we know?

When you get a chance to stop and think some time... take the time to make a list. You might be finding yourself a short cut to what you really desire! What are the things you really value? What are the valuable things you do for others? Outside of the consideration of money.

The list may be much longer than you think and those things you write down worth much more of your time.

I'll keep my list to myself for the time being. I'll be working on it. Let's set a time sometime in the future where we can compare.

I strive to be a Peacemaker, an Entrepreneur and a Ambassador for Great Ideas (ie a Problem solver). I also wish to be a Artist, a Mentor and an Ethicist one day. At times I struggle to communicate the passions I have but I endeavor to do so meaningfully from my heart to others. All as I enjoy my life as a never-ending vacation in a place I adore. I care about what I do, I care about the people I do it with and I leave the rest to fall into place. ~ MikeonFire

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