Inspiration is Lovely


This may be a bit of a wandering discourse. Pardon me if it sounds like rambling. I’ve had a very interesting day and a half and I thought I’d touch on how individuals influence others with their actions and how important that can be. Taking action is important, not only for ourselves but for others.

First, Saturday afternoon I attend a group gathering where we talk about being honest with ourselves and those around us. There was just four of us but I ended up with some profound thoughts about things that had happen to me and how they had influenced my actions as an early adult. These things, which I’ll keep to myself but occurred when I was just a year old. I had never really taken the time to reflect but in doing so I was profoundly affected by some of the ramifications. I spent many years harboring anger that I really couldn't put my finger on. But it seems now, although I had for the most part put the anger away, I had not understood it’s cause. However, now, a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. A few hours of discussion with some sympathetic ears, some shared thoughts and something I’ve wrestled with in the back of my mind for 40+ years has been quietly whisked away.

Second, coming home I'm looking over messages and I notice the Purdue-Ohio St. game is being broadcast on Youtube live. Twenty plus years ago I was an supporter of Purdue athletics. For years I donated to the John Purdue Club and had four season tickets to the Purdue football games which I would invite friends, family and even a few dates to. It was the era of Joe Tiller as the coach and he ended up being a very successful one. He reminded me allot of my step-father. In any case, as I tuned in, expecting the #2 team in the nation to be leading. I found a different story. Purdue leading 7-3. What was even more interesting was a story of a Purdue fan who had been stricken with terminal Cancer and had predicted Purdue would win the game. This had become quite a story, the national media was covering it, but as I looked into more about the story I found a on-going relationship between this individual, the coach and the Purdue players that had been going on several years.

Prior to coming to Purdue, this young man had broken his arm and then discovered he had bone Cancer. It lead to the replacement of most of his arm bone with a titanium rod, and all the treatment that “modern medicine” throws at Cancer. He survived, the Cancer appeared to be in remission, but that didn’t last. The Cancer returned yet he still pursued being a student at Purdue and showing up for games as one of the die-hard fans. The coach noticed and after meeting him and hearing about his situation invited him to meet the team. Thereupon they made him an honorary Captain. That was last year’s season. As time went on his situation deteriorated to the point that it’s clear he’s not going to make it much longer. A few of the team visited him at his bedside, where he was limited to since the Cancer had moved into his spine. They presented him with a game ball from a previous game. He pointed out the Ohio State game as being one he wanted to see because he felt confident Purdue was going to win. They did. 49-20. He was there.

What strikes me about this story is the influence this frail 90 lb man had on the team as well as the entire audience of people. He had simply made it clear he had a conviction and as more and more people got word of the idea, they began facilitating his desire. They may have felt bad or sorry for him, they may have thought it was a good thing to do, or maybe it just might ease his pain. For whatever reason people came together to make sure it happened. I’m not suggesting he was the only factor in Purdue trouncing one of the best football teams in the nation. But I am suggesting that he made that desire burn a bit brighter. And sometimes that's all people need to make that little extra effort. They say football is a game of inches. Having a team full of people willing to make the effort to stretch another inch is powerful.

Third, I’m writing this because I’ve been following another Steemit user who had pledge to write 1000 words every day for 30 days. And she pointed out in her article today the difficulties of maintaining the discipline to actually make that happen. Much like the New Year’s resolution that so many make but so few remember even a week after. It takes effort. We may think others have it easier, but the reality is success is not given, it’s earned. If we are ever going to have the life we dream of, we must take action regularly to do the extras that actually take us to where we really want to be. To stretch that extra inch. The real beauty is that effort inspires others too!

Learning to enjoy taking that control of ourselves, being creative with our endeavors, having fun with the possibilities is really one of the sweet spot of life. Understanding what gets us motivated enough to break through the conditioning that holds us back from that is also important.

What’s interesting is the inspiration that others provide us and we provide others when it comes to making that extra effort. I mentioned three particular situations that I came across in the past 30 hours. But there’s actually more. I just figured it’d make the story too long.

For those who want an idea, here’s just a brief synopsis of but a few of the inspirations I saw in this short period of time.

My good friend Victor delivering some bottles of water and a ride out of the blue. He had just finished dealing with someone smashing into his car but he dealt with it calm and coolly.

My good friend Erika is launching a new educational series. She released a video promoting the idea that is fabulous and looks to be a home-run! She is going to do well because she has something very valuable for others.

My good friends Lily and John are hosting what they call a “Meatup”. They serve nothing but meat for dinner (which has some profound benefits) and we stuff our faces as we discuss pertinent topics. I enjoy the opportunity.

An opportunity for my good friend Joe’s idea called Remedy Coin popped up within the greater community. A result of one individual's actions based on what he felt was a "moral responsibility."

I strive to be a Peacemaker, an Entrepreneur and a Ambassador for Great Ideas (ie a Problem solver). I also wish to be a Artist, a Mentor and an Ethicist one day. At times I struggle to communicate the passions I have but I endeavor to do so meaningfully from my heart to others. All as I enjoy my life as a never-ending vacation in a place I adore. I care about what I do, I care about the people I do it with and I leave the rest to fall into place. ~ MikeonFire

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