The illusion we live in. Forced psychiatry

I have one hell of a story to tell. It's funny, I have always wanted to write a book and damn, do I have the material for one, but I cant seem to sit and focus on the story.

Part of it comes from not wanting to relive the crazy past once again. I am in a space of moving forward and to sit in yesterday seems counter intuitive at this point.

I keep learning more and more about what actually went on behind the scenes of my life.

As an American citizen who has owned homes, made car payments, paid taxes and contributed to the economy of these United States, my rights have been violated beyond measure. All because someone with an elitist, untouchable attitude with some type of authority, got their feelings hurt when a mirror was placed before them, and they got a glimpse of who they really were.

Remember folks, the messenger is just that, the messenger. Don't shoot them.

It is now known that on top of every other right I have as a human, let alone an American citizen, my HIPPAA rights were completely trampled over. All because someone got their feelings hurt.

I had gone into my counseling office that last morning and everything was strange, different. It felt different and after 1 1/2 years, in the midst of my identity being stolen, being stalked and electronically survielled, I was being told I had to do a drug test. Now, I do like to smoke, and I called my counselor and informed her that if I took this drug test, it would come up positive for pot. She stated it was fine, the test was only to figure out the best way to treat me. Odd, after a year and a half, but okay. The test came back positive for marijuana only.

It has been revealed to me that my stalker, with authority of some type, believed I was doing meth because of the people I associated with. There was NO meth in my system and I now know that if their would have been, I would have been forced into in-patient treatment, branded crazy and paranoid, because I was very forthright about what the stalkers were doing to me with my counselor, and I would have been trapped in the system of the psych. ward.

Forced psychiatry. How many other people has this happened to? How many other people has this woman tortured? I am not her first. She is way too skilled at this game she pretends she is not a part of. I was warned about her, someone should have warned her about me.

Forced psychiatry. Discredit this person in anyway they can. You could get a son in law, with 20 years of experience on their young wife to start brainwashing the daughter to believe that something isn't quite right with your mom. Make up stories of being used and taken advantage of. Taint the image of the parent, to the child. Discredit them.

You could get your meth cook friends to set them up at work. False accusations of theft. Rumors of lies and mistrust. Now they are no longer employable. Discredit a reputation.

You could use your authority to get a landlord to steal your mail, give the code to unlock your door to them. All done based on this woman's hurt feelings. But she has legal authority, so she states it is for the good of the community. You are saving your neighborhood from this bad person. Discredit.

You could use your authority to convince my grant woman, who rents from my stalker, to release all of my personal information to you. HIPPAA is thrown out the window. Tells some lies about who I am. How I am a threat.

With that door code from the landlord and all info handed over by the organization that is supposed to be helping me, hard copy medical records get stolen and medical services get denied over and over again. More lies and misinformation spread. Either all traces of medical issues removed so it seems like i am faking, or misinformation placed in files stating not to reveal illnesses or treat because I will self harm otherwise. Discredit on a medical level, both psychically and mentally.

Then their is the everyday stuff. I would come home and my plants would be sitting on top of the dirt. Small items rearranged, trying to make the person question themselves. Cat stolen, dog poisoned, truck shot up with a fake news story ran. I could not find one other person from that story that had windows shot out. I lived on those roads, drove them all the time. My truck was shot up and no one else could figure out which other houses or vehicles were involved. No one. Yet, the news stated 60 vehicles and homes. I could not find one person who was victimized. It's because their wasn't anyone else. My stalker, with authority, was taking everything away from me. Personal info stolen and posted online. According to Casey, the preacher man.

I was going to be forced into the psych. ward. Thank God I fled, in terror, when I did. It was a big kick in her fake man balls when that drug test came back negative. She thought she had me.

The more time that goes by, the more people step forward and inform me of her actions. Thank you to those people. Validation and legal advancement is always a boost.

How many other people are sitting in jail, or the psych ward, because this woman got her feelings hurt? Labeled paranoid for things that were actually happening to them.

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