UP'LIFT OF TODAY... Dreams can come true, believes are your reality, believe in your dreams =)


First, wishing you all a great Monday, sending you loads of good energy from a beautiful Bali...

Here a bit about my experiences in believes and search of happiness, free inner feelings and live your dreams.

After many years of hard work and believes in my dreams, despite a lot of down and negative time, it finally started to become my reality... Soon i started to get back supports and energy from peoples around that have been in the same situation and maybe still are cause they dream bigger now :D


having started to young most "Underground" Party with all the surrounding extras attraction and addictions that goes with it.

For the one who knew me in Switzerland, where i grow up, sure are surprised to see who i became just by starting to follow my dreams instate of follow other peoples, education and mostly system support/expectations and fake "European/American Dream" that was keeping me from growing and believing that any of us can, with enough willing and energy make a change for him self then his surrounding...
Human, animal, organic, outer-space we are all one made from the same atoms and possibly connected at all time.

I'm always amazed to see how similar our world have became compare to the movies we watched in the 90's, fill like we just pass the "Return to the future 3" and we mite go or into the "Mad Max Era" or "Cibernet Terminator" =)

Analyzing this phenomena we can deduce that what we see we become, also what we see will become real cause our brain can think to make it real and only by imagining anything, the energy you use give life to this "first" idea that will be part of our real world in no time...

I imagine if all tv channels and media be showing positive, green, harmony, peace, love images and documentary the world will be totally different...

Just look at your TV, they bombing your eyes, hears and brain with violent, stressing or dramatic infos...
All this keep you busy and scared enough to don't believe in your self and never take the un-secured risk to go live your dreams!!!

Just to secure the one who are not sure yet if they can make them dream happen, in most Paradise country i have been, local peoples are smiley and live with about 300$ to 700$ a month and some have a better life then i had working in the graphic design office every days and then work as an accounting just to sort out the damn post box going back home...
Running after the second needle of your watch always and worst of all cold, depressing weather ;)
hahaha MADNESS!!!

Well i have been bad, made it good and keep believe and sure that we are all base and regulated the same ways...'


Big love to the #steemit family, Happy i found a platform where peoples are actually reading and sharing positive ideas!

Hopefully you enjoy my UP'LIFT stories, will drop some more far-out ideas i came to meet =)

Warm regards

K. Michael Vagas

Keep the fire alive!!!

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