The "BIG DATA" era conspiracy... We are all in and deep in already, digging every days deeper without even knowing them nasty plans...

BIG Data the new rush into the invisible numeric conspiracy... We feed the matrix as we go without knowing...

Hello steemians family, yes been a while from i last posted!
Happy to be back and see this community getting bigger and better, also see the STEEMIT platform evolving really well in all directions!

I've been instructing myself on different important subjects that i feel need to be shared with everyone in an ongoing series of post. I be explaining the plan of the "BIG DATA" companies to build a database that will in a short term make ours privacy and freedom in compromised position.


After reading a book entitled in french "L'homme nu", the naked man in English, about the invisible numeric dictature started a decade ago, so i felt a need to search deeper into this manipulation conspiracy who is going by pair with technology using the internet information power with "SMART" phones, computers and all accessories functioning with the same linked system, using all data from social media, application, web platforms and online media to get as much information on everyone as possible, giving away all our privacy to anyone knowing how to use the "todays" tools like, incentive or sentiment analyse programs that are already been used for long time by most nations informative services then big international companies, market analyzers and now nearly available to anyone who know internet search tools or codes programming tools.

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As you imagine it's a long story going on for few years so we will need time and severals articles to explain only an infime part of what i understood that is already an even smaller understanding on what is really going on in those "BIG DATA" dictature plans.


All this storing of data is true and for sure a bit scary because we normally think of the worst before anything and also going to fast for our biological clock so it's hard to keep up, but it can be used for fantastic positive purposes to, let's hope the BIG are thinking positive out of it, event if all conspiracy information tells the inverse.

I like to believe, we are our only limit so all is yet to come.

Steemians family, i will post regularly on this ongoing "BIG DATA" plans, hopefully it will bring you some positive input on how to act and react to support all natural life for a better harmony in the world.

Lots of love and respect,

Michael Vagas

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