Media's manipulation & mind games... The after effect šŸ˜œ Real news from the "" ground!!!

Now I know how medias manipulate infos, like Marseille peoples talk about fish, a fished sardine became a 25 meter whale in no time šŸ˜…

Bali empty it self just because some world wile negative announcements about volcano when here, beside 100'000 peoples evacuated from the danger area for safety precautions and beautiful initiative from locals to support in any ways the evacuated peoples nothing happened but in international news, media, even countries embassy infos email sound like no tomorrow.

We are all manipulated to the max, 4 or 5 days ago was the tornado destroying Caraibians island and Central America, already forgotten, before was the Trump bullshit on pollution world accords, North Korea next terrorist but all forgotten to focus on a volcano about 100km from my paradise home that mite be or not having stomach problems...

Well now I know media amplifiante all news if not consciously create bad news so we have no times to focus on the real problem that is our over production and consummation of the world resources, to name the priority case, if we want to really act and do our duty as human...

Don't get blurred by non senses, even world have problems DO NOT FORGET THE MAIN PROBLEM THAT IS OUR SYSTEM OF PRODUCTION, CONSUMMATION AND WASTE...The system own media and are just playing us all like puppets, the world and humans never been safer in human known history... Less war, less crime, less poor, less everything but in the news it's the 17 chapter of the new millennium end of the world fear... FUCK DAT!!!

Every one forget that we are on a rock flying around a fire ball in the middle of unknown territory?

Guys, you need to calm down, STOP YOUR TV AND MEDIA BRAIN WASHING NOW!!!
All is fine and be fine, only us can make it better now if we all get in harmony together giving our energy for the same goals.

Tiered of non senses law who have been "mistakly" made to support monetary system or self enrichment corruption past errors and not human valued level system... We are the energy of the system, ONLY WE CAN MAKE A CHANGE...
Stop masturbating your brain on non sense and act the right way...

LOTS OF LOVE, PEACE AND RESPECT TO ALL MY BROTHER AND SISTERS AROUND THE WORLD, believe in yourself, your own experiences and learnings...

Happy week end and full power to a change for a better good not for us as individuals but for all living and "non living" things...

FULL POWER EVERYONE šŸ˜ƒšŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ˜ŠšŸ™šŸ¼ā¤ļøšŸŒˆā˜®ļø



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