The Power of observing Human Character Traits

So i've been chasing various goals over the last few years, nothing ever crazy specific, i studied psychology which showed me the immense capabilities of the human mind, and i worked in a casino that put on a display of one's potential to become 'Zero to Hero' constantly as well as forced me to interact with numerous different types of human beings from the poorest of suburbs to the most rich and successful and everything in between. As my increase in knowledge correlated with my exposure to different experiences, I began to take more and more notice of the different variables that could be observed that obviously shaped the situations and circumstances of the people i interacted with, mainly character traits in which observable patterns could be recognized.

Obviously, wealthier guests tended to be more confident, not necessarily alpha, but very sure of themselves. What i mean by this is it became more and more obvious through each interaction whether an individual who was standing in front of me clothed in and surrounded by symbols of monetary value was reaping the rewards of hard work and/or a clever strategy,or if the person was simply a victim of fortunate probability, wealthy but blinded offspring brought upon through skewed odds of more diligent breeding.

I could tell by the manner in which the engaged with me, the eye contact, had they seen themselves in a similarly reversed position at one point, was their success a result of tireless grinding, a foundation of ever-growing charisma, the perfect idea, luck... or a combination of all that and more. Conversely, all too often i would find myself opposite a group of.. less humble individuals, at the head of which a cocky young disagreeable person typically stood, an ego so large it made even the bright VIP lights sometimes feel dim. The differences between the dichotomy described is not always obvious, nor physical, but through brief comments and once again eye contact, the subtle vibes ring loud when it comes to alerting oneself about the general nature of whom they are dealing with.

I feel this has helped me dramatically not only in improving my performance in similar work, but also when attempting to break down another human being and decide whether their ethical code coincides with that of your own.

Thank you for reading, any responses or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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