why fear face life .. ???

The world is a test country. Allah Azza wa Jalla wants different human circumstances as a test. There are believers and unbelievers, healthy and sick people, rich and poor, and so on. The meaning of all this, that someone is tested with a person who is not like him. A rich man for example, he is tested in the presence of the poor. Suffice the rich man to help him and not insult him. Instead the poor is also tested in the presence of the rich. Apparently he is not hasad towards the rich and does not take his property with no rights. And each is obliged to pursue the path of truth.



So if we are tested by Allah Azza wa Jalla with the poverty and hardship of life, let us react in ways that have been shown by Allah Azza wa Jalla and His Apostle. Among the tips for dealing with this difficult situation are:

The first and the main let every servant berhusnu-zhan (good prejudice) to Allah Azza wa Jalla over the calamity and distress that befall him. For surely one's faith and monotheism will not be perfect except with husnu-zhan to Allah Azza wa Jalla. Shaykh Muhammad bin Shâlih al-'Uthaimîn rahimahullah said: "You are obliged husnu-zhan to Allah Azza wa Jalla against his actions in this nature. You are obliged to know that what Allah Almighty is doing is a perfect wisdom, sometimes the human mind understands it or sometimes does not. By this is the majesty of Allah Azza wa Jalla and His wisdom in His destiny is known. Then do not think that if Allah Almighty does something in this world, it is because of His bad will. Including the events and the calamities that exist, Allah Almighty did not make it because of bad will associated with his deeds. As for the matter of the creature, that Allah Almighty decreed what He willed, it sometimes troubles him, then this is like the word of Allah Azza wa Jalla:

قل من ذا الذي يعصمكم من الله إن أراد بكم سوءا أو أراد بكم رحمة

Say: "Who can protect you from Allah, if He wants a disaster upon you or wants mercy for you?" [Al-Ahzâb / 33: 17] [1]

Then my servant's weapon in the face of trouble is patience. Forbearance is a great trait. Patience facing distress is to hold the soul from complaining, holding verbal from complain to man, and holding the limbs of the case that disguises the shari'ah. For a Sabbath believer it is his weapon to deal with the trouble. And that will bring good to him.

If we look at the circumstances of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his family, then we will be amazed by their patience to face the hardships of life in this world. Indeed they deserve to be role models. Ibn Abbas Radhiyallahu anhuma said:

كان رسول الله صلى الله المتتابعة طاويا وأهله لا يجدون عشاء وكان أكثر خبزهم خبز الشعير

Formerly Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam passed several nights in a row with empty stomach, as well as his family, they did not find dinner. And indeed most of their bread is whole wheat bread. [2]

In addition to patience, then the attitude that is not less important is qanâ'ah. What is meant by qanâ'ah is the pleasure of the division of Allah Azza wa Jalla. For indeed the rich substance is rich in heart, not wealthy. And qanâ'ah is the way of happiness. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

قد أفلح من أسلم ورزق كفافا وقنعه الله بما آتاه

Indeed have been fortunate people who have converted to Islam, given the adequacy of rizqi, and Allah made it qanâ'ah against what He has given to him


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