Hey, nice to see you again...

It's been a few days since I’ve eaten anything, I don’t really feel like eating sometimes, but it's not because I’m not hungry, it's more because they are making the food, their stench is on everything.

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I sure miss my cousin or my brother, I’m not sure anymore but I do miss him. It's not like we talked much, he was not even that smart to be honest, he was always too trusting. That’s what got him, I’m sure… I lost count on how many times I told him to stay hidden and he just would not listen. Hunger should not be an excuse for stupidity and carelessness, that has always been my motto.

I wonder how much longer until the sweepers make a ruckus, It has to be today, I counted the moons and besides, this place could really use some housekeeping… Can I even call this a house? Bah… who cares.. I live here, at least for now, so technicals aside it's a house…

I think someone is coming, oh yes… the funny man with a backwards hat… Why does he even wear a hat? I mean… does it not defeat the purpose to not cover your face from the sun? He might be mentally challenged… like my cousin, yeah that has to be it, besides he keeps on smoking that poison and then coughs like he is many months older.

I’ve been trying to remember my mother lately, I know I had one, of course I did… I would not be here if this was not the case, but for some reason I have no recollection of her, not an image, nothing. She must have left before I opened my eyes, that must be it…

Oh, there he goes back in, the funny man always misses the trash can… that is probably the only thing he has going on for himself, he makes it easier for me to get a snack, not that ever leaves me much, but hey… who am I to complain? And If I did complain… who is there to listen to me?

I just saw him eating this, so I know its safe… they won't take me down, not like my cousin Jimmy… or was it Johnny… bahhh who cares.. He was one of the good ones, that is all that matters. I won’t wait for night time, there are too many new mouths around these parts and they are going to want a piece of the action, can’t have that… no sir…

The rumble of a car’s engine can be heard at a distance, for all the solitude the dark corners corners of this city can provide, humanity is not too far away, after all this concrete jungle is the byproduct of their unbalanced nature… it might not be safe to show myself, not yet…

You know what has been bothering me lately? I mean… I know I’m not a stud or anything like that, but the old lady that lives next door screaming at me like that… What did I ever do to her? I was minding my own business, she walked into my alley….

I wonder if the stories are true… I mean… Jimmy used to talk about something called farms, he would say how that is where we needed to go, be close to nature and such, close to the bush. I never trusted those trees to much, you know… I mean, they are way to open, you become easy to spot… but he insisted, he would always say how it was the way of the past and how he was told that one day we will go back to nature.

Crazy ramblings of a delusional dreamer I tell ya…

Anyways… I gotta go guy… btw I didn’t tell you my name, did I?

My name is Billy… Billy the rat…

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