Here comes the Wind Again & Timeline Contradictions

We are a few steps away from hurricane season again. It's pretty crazy to me how fast a year has gone by and at the same time I feel like I've been on this platform since I was 12. How do I reconcile these two things, is a question best presented to a psychologist with a PhD, but I can't deny neither of them.

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For the past four days its been raining off and on with the consistency of a career politician. This makes it to where making plans to anything at all is as hard as shaving a cat with one hand, and staying home all the time is probably leading me down the path of mild insanity.

Just yesterday I felt accomplished that I had made to the local Walmart and back with visibility while I was driving. Yes, the bar is pretty low at this point in time, I find being able to see while driving a big win. You might be asking yourself why would this guy would live in florida if the weather can be so nasty, and you would be forgiven for saying such things. Compared to the rest of the year, this place is paradise. Meaning that enduring the ugly season pays off, when the sun comes out, the beaches get their tan and the coconuts are ripe.

And besides, I'm not going anywhere, not north, not even for a little bit. I might be one of those few humans who detests the cold with so much passion I would kill snow if it was possible for it to die. Why? Because I once experienced Hypothermia and my memory of that day is still pretty much present. For all the times I've been thinking "This day is soooo freaking hot", I've never been close to seeing my life flash before my eyes due to Florida's weather.

I'm browsing through some of my old posts on Steem, I was blogging on here when Irma came and tried to take my roof. She failed of course, my roof and I are pretty close, but she tried none the less. This year however I'm pretty sure we will be much more prepared, not only with water and batteries like the rest of Florida but with some good board games too. Boredom can strike at any minute and a world without the internet feels a little too "uninformed" for my taste.

Which reminds me, back in the day of the long time ago, when things where different and the internet was not the same. some crazy predictions where made regarding our ability or to be more accurate inability to be resourceful anymore. I wonder if any new studies have been published on the subject matter.

Yes, timeline contradictions, I put that in the title and in case you missed it, its a bit of an invitation for you to give me your opinion on the subject. If 1 year goes by so fast, because it freaking does.... How is it that it feels like we have been Steeming for so long? A year old Steemian is a veteran full of scars according to me... How does that even make sense?

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