AI Must DIE!


Holy fap juice batman?! I find myself having to write a post on AI?!

Why? Why must I try?

To write a post on AI...

And why,

must it die, this delicious AI?


A valid question through the medium of rhyme so please, read on and find out why AI MUST DIE.

AI has arrived on Hive. No big deal you would think... However, when you have something that can write posts for you like a Cebu ghostwriter (Remember her?) there will always be those who seek to capitalise on trying to earn for zero effort.
Seriously, who was that, her name escapes me... Scammy McHumperknickers?

That's the problem you see. One that we are all aware of. You earn money by writing on Hive. That earning will always be seen by some as something to be abused. Why work for it when you can use scammy shortcuts?

The kind of people who try to farm and abuse Hive always try to gloss over this point by stating that they don't earn much or @johnnyfuckingbaw earns millions so why aren't they being downvoted instead of me? Blah blah blah.

They will twist and turn and say anything to deflect away from the fact that they have been caught spam farming.

I am getting ahead of myself though.

So AI has arrived and people have started using it to write posts and try to earn rewards on it.

It's fucking WRONG.

Everyone knows it!

How can you genuinely expect to earn rewards for tapping a couple of sentences into ChatGPT?!

The posts are so easy to spot. They look as if they have been written by a boring cat. If you are in any doubt there are also tools to spot them.

Boring cats or not, that hasn't stopped users from giving it a bash to see if they can earn crypto for zero effort. Even high-rep users who have been here for years and should know better?!

So below I have compiled a list of the excuses and helpfully, for those who wish to dabble in AI-generated posts, I have placed a succinct and erudite response to each of the potential defences.



It was an experiment!

Fuck off. No, it wasn't. You are a farmy bastard and got caught.


Everyone is doing it!

Fuck off, no they aren't.


It's the same as using Grammarly!

Seriously? Fuck off, no it isn't.


I actually wrote my post but put it through ChatGPT to enhance the readability and quality of the post!

Fuck off, you are a lying arse-dog and ChatGPT wrote the post for you after you typed in Write a farmy bastard post that I can pretend is my own on Hive about crypto.


I didn't know it was against the rules?!

You totally did, so fuck off.

And finally, possibly the best...


I am a long-time Hive blogger, witness and developer. I didn't know it was wrong?!

Oh lordy. Just fuck off.

And that my friends is basically that. If you use AI to write your posts you are a scammy bastard and will get caught.

It will potentially be the end of your account, no matter how much of a hu-bala-loo you try to stir up.

Don't do it, kids!

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