Meet my confidence-boost bikinis!

These aren't like those awfull "buttlift" jeans (can't remember their name or care enough to google it) that are designed to make you and your ass look better and probably that way make you feel more confident as well, but in reality look tacky and cheap instead. No, cetainly not. These bikinis make me feel sexy and boost my confidence because they sit well and compliment my curvy, feminine and sporty body with simple design, prints and colours.

Hallaxhalla is a Finnish-Indonesian brand (the founders are Finnish +fun fact; they're actually my friends friends and live in Bali) originally by two twenty-something girls who love surfing, gorgeous, well-fitting and sustainably made bikinis. I have been a fan of these bikinis and onepieces since their first collection and we have bought a pair or more from all three or four of them. I know we don't even need all these, but I can't resist buying them because they are worth every penny for their great quality and especially for the enjoyment I get when ever I get the chance to wear them. And who doesn't like to choose their outfit to fit their mood, so it's nice to have different options from which to choose the right one when going sunbathing or doing whatever. Besides, these babies are made from recycled plastic bottles and stuff recovered from the ocean so knowing they're eco friendly makes me feel even better!

I'm usually confident in my body. I have quite good genes which I got from my mama; I've got nice hips and small waist, just enough boobs to make me feel feminine and a nice ass. I also like my face. I hang around naked when I'm at home and feel bad in my skin only if I feel bad inside. Saying these selflove-things out loud doesn't mean I'm full of myself. I'm actually quite modest and definitely not the person who's always in the search of attention and admiration. I just appreciate and know what I got and I think there are too many people who always concentrate on what is wrong in them instead of learning to love it all, despite the small faults. In the end, it's just the shell in which you live and it's the inside that matters (cliché but true).

I haven't always been as comfortable with my body as I am now, even though I've always appreciated myself and my looks to some extent. I have made the decicion to truly love myself inside and out long time ago. That means I have also learnt to know myself -my personality, values, strenghts and weaknesses. I have decided to embrace the good in me and be a good person with strong moral, which comes naturally anyway.

I started from the bikinis and ended up to these deeper waters, oops. Well that's just me. I'm deep and emotional and I love that too!


P.S. Go to if you want to read their story and shop yourselves a pair or two of these cuties.

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