Somewhat of an Oddball

I recognize that I have differences to the #norm and in general am quite an oddball. Does this make it hard to make friends? well, a little but my main problem is keeping them...I think anyway.

At times I will be quiet mainly because I like to know what I will be saying before I open my mouth and speak, which could go in my favour in some respects as it could make me come of as a "good listener".

From my experiences when in the past I have somewhat been part of a group or click of friends it seems to go against me somehow and I will end up losing contact with the people/friends that connected me up to that group in the first place. Somehow I would often go to pre-drinks then a club with a group, however, I would get the vibe that I wasn't being included. Just for the record I knew some of the people in the group for years but didn't know a lot of the group. If I'm honest I had a good time and kind of embraced being left out a bit and just done my own thing actually having a good time, I like to dance to HOUSE MUSIC like im in a trance.

I could have been more like-able I admit & some might say I have pretty far out views on some things but I do genuinely try to be a nice and polite person for what it's worth. I could of done something better though, that's for sure. Being included and spoken to on the night out or not having anyone to speak to didnt bother me, I would have liked an invite to the nights out though. Which is where I will conclude, after 2 or 3 nights out didn't get any more invites.

This happened about 3 or 4 Years Ago now and the only reason I ponder on it is because I feel like I would like get out to some gigs/events where i like the music. Just starting to think im better of going on my own.

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