Thought of the Day: March 23, 2018 - Play a Role


Do you play a role in all of your various relationships, in hopes people will acknowledge you? Maybe you do not want to rock the status quo that you have in all the delicate relationships?

If you do, I understand.

I have done this and thought like this for a long time. We all do certain things to fit in. I wanted people to accept me for who they thought I was. I became who they expected me to be and I began to play a role. One that I was not happy playing.

Later, I learned when I did this, I was giving up my individuality just to play a role. A role that was not good in any way.

When I realized I did not have to do this anymore, I began the process changing who I was. I started to become more of who I wanted to be.

To continue to play a role, was not exciting me anymore. I wanted to become myself. I did not want to limit who I was.

Why I did this is easy for me to share with you. How I did it is a different story.

The one life changing thing I did was, I learned to accept myself for who I was, regardless of what others believed about me. When I did this, I gave myself the freedom to be myself.

The real me. The person who is writing blogs, making YouTube videos and recording podcasts.

Today, I understand if people do not like me for who I am, they are caught up in playing a role, not me.

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