Thought of the Day: March 07, 2018 - Stop the Obsession


Do you know whatever you focus on, can become your obsession? That's right, what ever you think about the most you become that. So if you focus on doing good you become someone who does good and if you focus on doing bad you become bad.

Have you ever thought about the projects, thoughts, goals and dreams are you trying to realize? Do you have a deep down burning desire to accomplish that? Do you know what you are obsessed with and why?

What ever it is, it is going to have to become your true obsession. That is the only way you will get close enough to make what you think about, a reality.

But you must ask yourself, does what I obese about, make senses for me to continue to focus on it?

I know I have asked you many questions already, but you have to take enough time to reflect on the why not just the how. The saying goes, the how is easy if the why is big enough.

Many times, you need to step away from the things you obsess about. They many not be serving you a purpose and may be counter productive.

But there is that time when you, new ideas, processes, understanding and believes come to you. You begin to look at your goals and dreams in a new way.

The new way of looking at your dreams might be what you need before you can accomplish what you have set out to. New thoughts and methods come to you allowing you to accomplish your goals faster and with better results.

This means you can find new projects to have a obsession about, once you have accomplished what you set out to do...

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