
So I turned into a facebook housewife for a minute and did a black and white challenge thing with some pictures. Sue me.

I typically do not participate in stuff like this, but whatever, I have other ideas in mind. I used that to make posts to harvest SBD in order to play Santa Claus for a minute. I have a trove of photos that I've taken over the years so I thought "Meh, why not? Let's show what Steem can do for people if you want it to do something good for someone." Not only could this be a good example of what Steem is capable of doing if you put your mind to it, but it also provided me with a way to inadvertently hook up a family that I personally love that I know is financially struggling with 4 kids. Shit like this is COOL. It still blows my mind that this is all possible. I love the internet!

ANYWAYS. On to the point of this post. I don't know what to do with the pending SBD (it's looking like about $1000 USD give or take a bit once I convert SBD to BTC to usable vehicles).

I'm not going to disclose who the people are or anything, but I will describe the circumstances. Picture a family, a mom, a dad. Four kids. Two boys, two girls. The kids are just hitting teen years, some pre-teen. They pretty much have no other family or friend support at all. Picture bottom of the barrel American poverty.

What could or should I drop on these folks that could help them grow as people? What would be the best thing to give to them? I want to gift them something that will help their kids' minds grow or to help inspire them. Poverty is a mean mistress and she deals out depression in droves. It's easy to be disheartened and live in a never-ending cycle of "I give up!" I don't want to give them candy or toys, I want to give them something that could inspire them to want to learn, grow, and do better. It's a hard question . . .

If you comment on this, I hope that you've read the entire post. I genuinely want some help with ideas as to what to give these folks, I don't want to drop just anything on them. I want it to count.

Thanks for reading,
Ya boioioi Matt

consider for witness

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