Astral projection . What is this phenomenon? When did it appear? Is it really a mother or A fantasy ?

The theory of astral projection
The  theory of astral projection spread widely, followed by a wide range of  questions. Can a person travel to various countries of the world while  he sleeps and sits in his place without moving? Without being as soon as, but actually traveling? These and other questions were discussed after the advent of astral projection theory. What is this phenomenon? When did it appear? Is it really a mother or two? 

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Definition of astral projection The astral projection, or so-called the etheric projection
Is  a process based on the premise that the human body is a second  component of radiation, the star projection is the separation of the  body radiation from the physical body and out of it, and can happen  through certain circumstances and situations, including that the person  between the nap and awareness 

When  the radioactive body is separated from the physical body, it does not  move away completely during sleep. It remains connected to it by the  silver cord. The radioactive body can move and go to all regions and  directions. It has the ability to see all the things surrounding it. One to see
It is worth mentioning that the concept of astral projection has long  existed in a group of religions of the world, an ancient method touched  by ancient myths and myths, and talked about the heroes who move and  travel from place to place and their bodies asleep,
It is also a picture of meditation and clear dreams

It is worth mentioning that the concept of astral projection has long  existed in a group of religions of the world, an old method touched by  ancient myths and myths, and talked about the heroes who move and travel  from place to place and their bodies asleep,
It is also a picture of meditation and clear dreams
Astral projection between illusion and truth
The judgment on the phenomenon of astral projection requires knowledge  of its truth and understanding, and to stand on all the ambiguity  related to it and its secrets of what many people do not know, so that  the judgment is based on clear argument and proof, and like other  mysterious phenomena 

 he point of view of opponents of the theoretical truth

Opponents  say that the radioactive body or the ethereal body depends in its  introduction on the existence of a substance called the ether, an  invisible substance that fills the vacuum in the universe. It is also an  absolute strong substance. Aristotle called it the fifth element, and  considered it a supreme element that does not accept corruption and  change. Has proven that this article does not exist, but ancient philosophies  and beliefs associated with ether have remained in the minds of people
The belief in the theory of astral projection and the presence of the  radio logical body, such as the belief in the existence of the  subconscious of man and the existence of the forces of the soul

Proponents' view of theoretical truth

Proponents say that astral projection is not a new phenomenon, and  that the peoples of ancient civilizations such as the Indians, the  Egyptians, the Aztecs, and the people of Atlanta have treated and traded  it,
If  one thinks that this phenomenon is a false modern science, it is  mistaken because it is a tool and a method found to understand what  surrounds man from a material existence, and not only to the mysteries  of the subconscious and his abilities, which man can not control, that  is not a matter of consciousness, It is done by man when he wants to do so in the event of his consciousness.
But  the problem is that most people when waking up do not remember their  dreams, which makes them say that they have not dreamed of anything, but  science has shown that dreams are a reality, but that man dreams for  many times a night, And those who deny that he had dreamed at night, he simply does not remember what he dreamed of;
Therefore,  the astral projection occurs during these dreams; where the body goes  out of radiation and separated from the physical body to walk and go to  various places, and when the person wake up from sleep does not remember  anything of it; Is asked how many times he woke up at night to give a  dream solution to the problem Really bother him? To say later that the solution came to him during his dream
The  human experience of the astral projection, as his supporters say, makes  him aware, and it is easy to distinguish and know his cases and signs,  and is summarized in curiosity and astonishment and astonishment, and  the human consciousness during the experience separated from his body,  making him able to see the world around him with a different view of  what he sees consciously; As  he moves away from materialism, moves to feeling and feeling the  reality of the thing, and sees the picture more clearly, which helps him  to improve his style in analyzing situations and things, and saves him  from the turmoil and tension, and strengthens the focus 

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