This Principle Changed My Life!

Today I explain the principle that has changed my life! Watch the 1 minute video and/or have a quick read, it will be worth it!

I made some rookie mistakes

Okay so I didn't have enough time in my 1 minute video to tell you this but actually I just started out with the 1st criteria: just do stuff you like! Even though I was also doing things that add value I didn't realise that fully and didn't incorporate it in my 2 criteria. Therefore I was sometimes missing out on some important things. So don't make the same mistake I did!


Hey, let's be honest we cannot always just do things we like. And if we broaden the criteria enough everything you do will add value so we have to adjust the scope of the criteria a bit.

#1 Just do things you like to do. Apply this to medium to large occasions in life. I don't feel like doing the dishes now and then yet I still do them because I do like the general idea of a clean house. I may not like to sort my waste but I do want to contribute to a better environment. I might not always enjoy recording piano lessons yet I do very much enjoy teaching thousands of students on youtube.

#2 For this one it is very important to not overestimate your importance, nor underestimate your importance to people. I tend to skip a lot of birthdays nowadays because I feel that the amount of quality time I get, with the birthday boy or girl is limited to literally around 5 minutes, whilst spending 3 hours sitting on their couch talking to their neighbours whom I've never met. Yes it might be 'the right thing to do', I personally prefer to visit the day before or after and take them out for dinner. This way I get quality time, they get quality time, and I get to spend the 3 hours which I would otherwise spend on that couch talking to the neighbours with someone who can actually use my valuable time to achieve a goal :)


Be really critical and on point. Does it really add value to write 60 cards for Christmas, or would a phone call be more appreciated? Do you like going to the gym? Or could there be another form of physical exercise like rock climbing or yoga that also keeps you in shape, yet is actually something you like to do. Just for the record I like the gym just as much as the other ones ;) Do you need a diploma? Or could work experience bring you further? Learn to look for alternatives to achieve the same goal, yet that are more in line with your personal preferences!

Video transcript:
So in the recording studio here. Today I want to tell you one thing that I have done 5 or 6 years ago. That has changed my entire life. It's the very simple thing of only doing stuff that I like to do or stuff that adds value. Either to my life or other people's life. All of the other stuff I've been trying to eliminate. I'm not saying I'm perfect you know. I haven't been able to do this entirely. But the more I'm doing this the happier I'm getting. By just doing stuff that I like or by doing stuff that actually adds value to mine, or other peoples life. And think about it: think about stuff that is really important to you in life. Is it something that you like to do? Or is it something that is adding value? And if it is neither than it's most likely not something you really enjoy to do it's not something that gives you purpose. So I want you to test the things that you're doing to these two criteria: do you like it? and/or is it adding value to your or other people's lifes!

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