Social Convention v.s. Your Dreams

Is Your Desire to Conform to Social Convention preventing you from Realising Your Dreams?

As always, have a quick look at the 1 minute video, or read further below, or both :)

Having Unconventional Dreams

First of all, most of the people who dream big, dream different. Therefore those dreams are most likely not going to overlap with what the majority of people consider to be 'normal dreams'. This, in essence, means that if you want to follow your dreams you will have to take unconventional steps to achieve them. Society, your friends or most likely family members may not agree with all of your choices, which could range anywhere from deciding to NOT finish your college education or live in another continent as well as eating vegan or working as a full-time volunteer. It is very likely that a sizeable group of people will not understand your choices nor your dreams.

Thinking Opposite

I've learned to 'test' some of my choices and ideas by implementing someones opinion of them in the following way;

Whereas a couple years ago I would start to doubt myself if somebody advices me not to do something, I know first take have a very meticulous at their values and goals in life. If they align with mine I listen to their advice, if they do not align, and here's the magic: I do not just NOT listen to them, I actually want their input. You see, if someone who doesn't have the same goals, or hasn't been able to achieve what you want tells you something is a bad idea, this most likely means it is a good idea for you. After all, they don't want to achieve what you want to achieve, or they tried and whatever they did apparently didn't work. Therefore if your broke uncle James says: never invest in bla bla bla, just think to yourself: uhh, well apparently you don't know how to create wealth, so I'm going to use that as opposite feedback :)


Humans all share the need to feel a part of a group or community. We want to belong. Yet we also want to be special. What we don't seem to realise is that it is very hard to fully belong, and fully be special. If you're truly special, this means some people are going to think you're a little weird, a little 'off'. That's okay. I love the fact a lot of people don't understand me, my motives, or my dreams. Otherwise I would simply just end up like them: one of the pack.

video transcription:

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