Help Yourself First, so you can Contribute Value when Helping Others!

How can you help others if you're not in a position to do so? Help Yourself First!

It Ain't Selfish!

Okay you gotta get this out of your head. Working on yourself, helping yourself, developing yourself, or making sure you earn more money, get more clients and make more friends for yourself isn't selfish. In order to really help other people you need to get yourself into a strong position from which you can actually add Value when you're going to Contribute. Setting up a successful business will create jobs. Learning valuable life lessons will always trickle down to the people near you and lift them up so they have a better life. Earning more money means you get to chose which charities you contribute to and you can contribute a lot more when you're rich then when you're poor.

Building A Strong Foundation

I've studied psychology and I was shocked by the amount of people in my year that were having mental problems themselves. I honestly think maybe 2 out of 10 were 'doing fine' and the rest was all broken in some form. I think it's admirable people want to help others by becoming a psychologist, however studying psychology is not the way to get yourself straightened out. Therefore, make sure you are doing okay in life yourself, before taking on the heavy task of dealing with other peoples problems, especially as a professional. It is so important that you build a strong foundation in your life so that others can lean against you. If you are not properly grounded, or rooted, and someone leans against your bark, you mr. or mrs. tree will fall over.

How Are You Going To Help Others?

It's important to figure out how you want to help others, if you want to do this actively, so that you can acquire the skills and knowledge needed to do this as good as you possible can. It's really nice if you want to cook for a hundred people at Christmas but if you burn all the food and give them cancer instead of a nutritious meal, your efforts may have been better spent elsewhere. Figure out what you're good at, and get even better at it. Involve other people, learn from each other, but never, ever, never, never, never, think that working on yourself is selfish, it's the best thing you can do.

Video Transcript:
So you're sitting on an airplane and all of a sudden the air pressure drops. And you know those things the masks come from the roof and next to is an old woman and she's really having trouble to breathe and she's panicking so you put the mask on her face first right? NO. They tell you to put the mask on yourself. Because if you don't help yourself you cannot help others. So please: you take care of you for me and I will take care of me for you. So keep this in mind when you're saying to yourself: I have to help the other people, I want to be there for them! Help yourself first. I want to thank Jim Rohn for inspiring me with this lesson and I hope that you're going to watch and listen to his material to honor his memory.

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