Nature and her charm

Exit in nature offers more than spectacular landscapes or moments of relaxation and escape from the "urban jungle". The beneficial impact of nature affects the mental state of the individual, which reflects on his whole life.


The beauty of nature inspires you to be better with others. Natural trips make you feel livelier and more full of vitality. Only 20 minutes spent in green areas have a strong energizing effect.


Autumn arrived in our lands bringing with it countless beauties and riches. Day by day, we can see her signs if we can look beyond everyday worries. Autumn is a show of colors and beauties.


10 reasons to spend your time outside the house in nature

  1. Follow the sun in the first / summer / autumn / winter and enjoy it! The sunrise may be beautiful in the harsh mornings of the autumn, not just in the spring.

  2. Improve your social skills. Who spends more time outdoors is able to build a community. Instead of blocking your house on TV or computer, get out of the air! Run, walk, play! Or he's running out of the mountains!

  3. Outside you can relax and you can eliminate stress. It has been proven that a sufficient amount of time spent outside the home heals your physical inconveniences faster. But do not expect to get sick to get out of nature. Activities outside the house can become a family habit, walks in the park or in nature a way of destroying the parents, enjoying the children. Three times a week if you go out, it will help you relax and fight stress naturally.


  1. Nature brings you fun in family life. Regardless of age, occupation, free air makes you positive and you can enjoy more life. Why? Because outdoor activities provide adventure, excitement, increased confidence in you. Especially if you include sports, exploration, hiking and competitive activities.

  2. Combat attention deficit. It is proven that those who spend more time in nature have a better memory. Their attention is higher compared to those who do not have contact with nature. It increases the productivity and school performance of children. Because from the outside you will return to work / school activities that are more energetic, calmer, more focused.

  3. Outside air is healthier than inside. In the house there are toxic substances from painting, building materials, detergents, plastics, etc. It is time for your respiratory system to be supplied with fresh air.


  1. Your eyes are more restful. If you stay in the house, you opt for reading, TV, computer, your eyes get tense, your eyes tired. Outside, they relax and rest, the look becomes clearer.

  2. Stimulates creativity. Even non-artists, pragmatists, feel more inspiring, creative, productive when they are absorbed in the beauty of nature.

  3. Teach children to appreciate mother-nature. Many children spend more time at home today. This presents the overweight and isolated children who are socializing hard. Children who spend time with others outdoors are more curious, more playful and more present in the lives of others, learn more about life. So do not stop thinking, go out as often as you can with your children. This means healthier children, but also better family relationships, because you spend time with them.

  4. The connection with nature increases the appetite for life and for you. When you get back from the country, from the mountain or from the walk / run in the park, something positive and powerful is going on with you. You have the feeling that you understand better what's happening around, you become more connected to reality. Returning from nature gives you a sense of personal fulfillment.

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