I have arrived.

I have arrived.
We are easily jumping from one year to another, without regrets, hurriedly, unconscious, forgetting that ruthless weather anyway pulls after her, one by one, without having any choice or way back.
Faced face to face, the years pass by each other like two strangers. Then they smiled in contempt with contempt. They go one by one, and we stay. Of course, with the signs they leave around us, in souls, over us ...
We always have the impression that we have nothing to gain from the year that we have just passed, and we put hopelessness in the one who comes. Although unknown, mysterious, uncertain.
We start in the new year, believing naive that all the evils remain with the other, and that they will never end up with us.


We leave people there who must remain, but also people who will never find replacements ... masks that have tired us, but also experiences that have strengthened us ... disappointments to be buried, but also promises that will remain prisoners in the past , forever.
We close doors that have not gone anywhere, but also windows that we still look forward to.
That's what we do from year to year ... The one that went through was tough ... And always, it looks better next.
Why do we pull the line to the end and want to get it over and over, instead of saying "Will it follow you"?
Why leave behind the battles we've lost? People are harder to beat when they do not fight.
Why do we live by planning our days to lose the others?
Why do not we leave people the way they are? Why do not we accept them as they want them to be? No one is hard to understand. And you and the others, you will not be here together any other time at the same time.
Why do we crush desires, dreams, beliefs, before taking steps toward them? I'm not far. They are in us.


Instead of detaching ourselves from ideals, we are detached from existential landmarks, wandering, losing the meaning of life.
We are happy with the roles we receive. Artificially, we draw warm faces with cold smiles, and then we carry them everywhere ... in photos, on the street, in us.
We become superficial, we fall in love with shapes, we travel through images, shape the future in thoughts ... until tomorrow. We wake up and take it over superficially.
Yesterday, he took everything with him. Today, he's safer than any other day. So we have! Now ... And one life. Do you have time to be yourself? Not the past steals your present. And the thought of the future. You alone are in your way until you understand.
Every year, it is becoming more and more LARGE.

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