Today Sunday (06/17/2018) is celebrated the father's day in many countries, among those Venezuela, today many men receive congratulations for this day although not all deserve it, many women are also congratulated, which in the absence of the figure paternal try to supply that function. But what is it to be a father? What kind of father are you?

For me he is a coach who always encourages, guiding and guiding his team.

He is always present, even if he is not physically or even if he does not live with Mom, he is there, when his children need him and when he does not.

Dad is the accomplice that allows us to go to bed late to see a movie, although Mom says no.

Dad is the one who always tells you that you count on him in good times and bad because nobody is going to love you more than they love you mom and dad.

For many men it can be easy to get away from the responsibility of a child, and then say I have so many children, but they are not there, they were just donors, that has its clear merit, thanks to that selfless act millions of children come to the world.

But this post is for those who besides the act of creation, were, are and will always be in the lives of their children.

The future man depends to a great extent on the father and the mother. Good, bad, responsible or not, happy or complicated.

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