The Widow's Advocate Chapter 6

The Widow's Advocate


 In India there were many customs different from ours, one of those customs was to burn the dead instead of burying them. But there were also cruel customs, one of them, for example, is that of throwing children into the river for religious reasons, and the most cruel of all was to burn widows. When a married man died, they burned his wife next to him; they burned her alive, as in India they married very young, many of these wives were only girls.  

Edwin Schnauzer was heartbroken every time he knew they had burned a widow alive, he tried to convince the Indians not to do it anymore. But they replied that this was part of the Hindu religion and that they had to do it because their sacred books sent it, Schnauzer devoted himself to studying the sacred books of the Hindus to see what they were saying about this custom. When Schnauzer told the Hindus that the sacred books did not command the burning of widows, they did not believe him. They went to look for the commandment to answer Schnauzer, but they did not find it either.   

 Since then Schnauzer dedicated himself to defend the widows so that they would not be burned, he finally managed to prohibit burning them, when he received the law that prohibited such a cruel tradition, he ran to his house to translate it. Immediately he started printing and printed many copies. He did not want one more widow to die.  

 I thank you for having read this reading. The one who has God in his life will always do well in spite of the adversities that may sometimes come our way.   

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