What You Do Makes A Difference

How many times have you heard, "No, you can't do this" or the like?

You should dissociate yourself from those people immediately. Usually those are the ones who never saw their dreams taken shape in real form, and as a result not only do they believe what they say, but will not want you to realize your own dreams, if they were not able to live theirs. As a word of caution, those may be close relatives.

People can be very sneaky, will pretend to support you while pumping you up for information, and when they think they've got all there is to know from you will try and put you down, make fun, and belittle you and your aspirations. There are however those who are really your friends, but they are very few, if any. And even your closest friends may not believe that is possible to bring about your ambitions, inadvertently will make fun of you thinking they are just funny, without meaning to harm you.

If you want something different in your life, something that is currently missing, you do have to make some alterations, in most cases very important ones. You will not get different results in life by continuing on the same course of action. Keep this in mind and see what needs to be changed.

One thing you might want to remember is not to share your goals and plans with anybody else, unless you are 1000% sure you will get that person's support, moral or otherwise. Keep doing what needs to be done quietly, and be consistent. Work on your plan everyday and keep planing, things may not always turn exactly as planed, but when constantly thinking on the subject you will keep focused. Also do something everyday towards the realization of the goal, you will slowly get to achieve it not matter how small the increments are, just be persistent, drop by drop the bucket fills up.

One other thing to be aware of, do not procrastinate!! I think this one is huge, because we all have a tendency towards that. Start working on you dream and plan it out as soon as you become aware that it will bring the change you are looking for in your life. Do not get bogged down with too many small projects, the one to focus on is that which will have the most impact in achieving the desired result.

If you need help on the way, get it without disclosing your intentions, remember you have to keep the naysayers out of the equation. I do not mean to make it sound like something top secret, but there is no need to bring in people that have no real interest in what you are doing, and there is no need to put your life on the table for everyone that wants to take a peek. When you do meet people with the same mindset however, an association may prove to be beneficial for those involved, and you could unite forces to speed things up. Not only that, but if there is someone you personally know who achieved the same results as you are going after, the chances that person would help you are quite good, people who have experience in one field or another are usually willing to share their findings.

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My advice is no mater what anyone says, if you really want to achieve a goal you must ignore all those who bombard you with every reason as of why it will not work and take action to bring it to fruition. Those who have a destination and get there are those who keep putting one foot in front of the other.

18 July 2017

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