My ABCD of life.

Reaching for a star is not an overnight dream but a fight that will lead you to success or failure. It's a matter of choice, a matter of dedication and perseverance.

What am I in the years to come?

A. POOR = "has beggary mentality" "debts are everywhere" "no money to live a standard life"

B. MIDDLE CLASS = "degree holder" "a battle between rich nor poor" "dependent only on 15th & 30th salary" "no knowledge on savings" "financially illiterate"

C. RICH = " wealthy" "embraces financial risk" "financially literate"

D. INVESTOR = "smart thinker" "lot of investment" "share holder" "Trader" "financially literate" "very rich"

Have courage and have faith in GOD. No retreat no surrender in terms of reaching the star.

"Faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life" JC Creed.

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