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Bad experience of a young woman at the ATM

ATTENTION!!!A lady's experience at an ATM.

"Good day people. I want to make you aware of the following so that you as well don't become a victim. Yesterday afternoon l went to FBN ATM at Phoenix Plaza. There was a guy before me. When it was my turn, l noticed a cellphone left behind so l called the guy back to give him his cellphone. His receipt was also still in the slot, so l had to call him back again to hand over the receipt. When l put my card in the slot , it was automatically kicked out. I tried again and punched in my pin. The same thing happened. Then out of nowhere the same man stepped behind me and began punching buttons saying its a new upgraded system and has to be constantly refreshed. He began removing and inserting my card again. All this time l was trying to get to my card, l was protesting against his help. He suddenly stepped back so I could resume with my transaction only to realise my card was stolen. It all happened in a space of a few seconds. I immediately called FBN and asked that my card and linked accounts be blocked. When I called the card division l was assured that the last transaction was my own and no monies were withdrawn. Later on l received an SMS stating that all my funds in my cheque account have been withdrawn and my savings were also transferred into my cheque account and withdrawn leaving me with a balance of N2,500 in my account. I am currently in contact with the fraud department trying to retrieve any funds if possible. Another victim had a similar experience at Zenith. The guy had left his car keys behind. A plea to you. Please, if you notice that the person before you has left any item at the ATM after using it. Step away from that ATM DO NOT USE IT. If possible notify a security officer. Had I been aware of this new type of card theft, I would have been more cautious.

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