A final goodbye!!!

Sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Mangalore, India with my friends in a half drunk state I am writing this blog. Tonight is my last weekend with my friends in this lovely place, Mangalore. Most of them are out and sleeping


And I cant help but think that when will be the next time that I will get to hang out with these lovely people, may be never I think thats why I kind of forced them tonight to stay out with me.
Tomorrow when the sun will rise we will head our way to our own destination may be will never see each other again.
While everyone sleeps I stay awake and think what life has in store for each one of us. Someone might get married and have a beautiful life with their family, but will they remember this time when we were together or will they just forget and move along in their life.
Some times life move at a very fast pace and the peiple who once were very close to you will be the ones you never speak to again. Life is cruel in that way.
But if I call life cruel then I might be doing injustice cause I met these lovely people because of life and now they will forever remain in my memories.


Clicking their images while they sleep might be a wrong thing but while they are sleeping I am making a memory of my own which will stay with me forever.
We might not realise the importance of someone while they are with us and we have plenty of time with them, but when its time to leave them, it is at that moment that we realize what we had and what we are going to miss when we go our separate ways.


Is it fair?? Should some people come in your life only for a brief period and then go away??? Is there some explanation behind why this happens? Its 1.30 in the morning here in India and while all my friends sleep I saty awake and wonder will I remember their face, their voice in some years or will it all just fade away little by little.
We might hate life for putting us in these sort of situations where we have to say goodbyes to our dear ones. We can promise each other that we will stay in touch but the truth is everyone will get buzy in their own shit and will not be able to keep their promises even if they want.
It was two years back that I left my home and came to this place and found these lovely people and the time has flown by in a blink and now its time to say our goodbyes to each other and hope that when we promise to keep in touch, we are not just saying the words.
I think some of you might understand the feelings that I am going through at these moment and will share my sentiments and will not just pass it off as a rant of a drunk guy sitting in the lobby of a hotel and blogging.

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