Motivation today #1

  • 🌽 In a village in Osaka, Japan, there was a farmer who planted corn-corn seeded & often won the national level with categories: _ the best Corn throughout the season _ *

_ One day, a reporter from the local newspaper doing interviews to explore the secret of success Farmers. _

  • _ That Reporters found that it turns out that Farmers always Dispenses the seeds of corn to his neighbors _ *

_ "How can you share the seed corn with your neighbors, and then compete with them in the same competition every year?" _ ask a reporter, with a full sense of wonder & AWE.
_ "Wouldn't you know that the wind flying pollen from corn that will bear fruit & took it from one field to another field. _

_ If my neighbor planting the bad corn, then the quality of corn I will decrease when going cross pollen. _

_ If I wanted to produce superior quality corn, then I have to help my neighbors to plant good corn _ replied the farmer.
These farmers are well aware of the law _ * "Mutual Attraction" (Law Of Attraction) * _ in life.

_ He can't improve the quality of jagungnya, if he does not help its neighbors to do the same thing. _

That is why the farmer gives the best quality seed to his neighbors

Not even giving the bad Seed and disabled to play and outsmart his neighbors.

  • _ In this life, _ *

_ If we want to enjoy the goodness, we must start by Sowing Kindness to the People around us. _

_ If we want to be happy, then we must Sow Happiness _ for someone else.

_ If we want to live with prosperity, then we should also strive to improve the Livelihood of the people around us. _

  • _ On the contrary, if we are spreading malice and Evil to the People around us _ ** _ Then believe me, malice and Evil that undoubtedly will Envelop our life. _ *

We will not likely become Successful, if we are not successful sowing and Spreading the goodness in the people around us.

  • Our Quality is determined by the people around us.*

_ People who are intelligent, in fact it is the people who Educate others. _

_ So did the good people are the ones who want to do good for others. _

  • Become an important person was good, but being a good person is more URPenting.*

_ Hopefully we can continue to make: _

_-* Clean and noble-hearted * without wasting other people and use Cunning, _
_-* _ , Clear Minded
_ , Well Said
Behave Positively , _
Gives the best * _


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