Miss Piggy Takes A Bath! - My Life With A Mini Pig



Getting a pig to take a bath is certainly not an easy task, Miss Piggy reminded me of that earlier. Once she is in the bath I am able to keep her busy with floating Cheerios but picking her up and placing her in the tub, that is where the problem is. I don't know how much she weighs right now but I would say she is at least 60-65 pounds of solid chunk. It doesn't sound like much but pigs are strong and picking Miss Piggy up with her weight and strength is like a workout all on it's own.

After she realizes that she is fine, the bath is really smooth from there on out. Once her bath is over she gets coconut oil on her skin to help with the dryness. Miss Piggy is then done being pampered and goes right back to doing whatever it is that she does, Piggy cuddles come shortly after that.

In every living thing there is a desire for love. - D.H Lawrence

Pigs are incredibly smart and I will never be able to put into words just how much emotion pigs show us when we take the time to realize their feelings. Apparently pigs are in the top 5 of the most intelligent animals too. They can easily figure out ways around any obstacle. Miss Piggy has her favorite trick, that is to go over to the dog kennel before I have the chance to let the dogs out and she opens the door for them. This door has two metal latches that both need to be pulled, one to the right and one to the left. She is a pro at this trick. She recently learned how to sort of sit when asked, she is trying at least. Opening cabinets and pulling everything out is a fun game she enjoys, I don't like that one but she does.

Being an owner of a pet pig is really hard but it truly is rewarding watching an animal like a pig, show us such a different side of life that one doesn't really expect. In case anyone is wondering, yes I do still eat meat. However, after owning a pig and seeing these amazingly intelligent creatures in action, my mind has started to sway. This post isn't about that though, this was just to share part of my life with a mini pig and to spread the joy from Miss Piggy!

I do apologize for the blurry pics, Miss Piggy doesn't sit still very well unless she is sleeping.

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