Stop To Start From Scratch

Do you often find yourself in a dead end or feel cornered at the foot of a wall? Whatever you do, the result you desire does not manifest itself and even seems to get further and further away. When faced with such a situation, you will notice that often your thoughts and conversations revolve around problems, difficulties and all that prevents you from reaching your goal rather than being focused on what you want. . Then these negative thoughts bring out in your whole being intensely unpleasant emotions. And you feel more and more hurt, discouraged, frustrated, angry or helpless about your inability to change something.


Most of the time, the cause is not what you believe because it is not in the external conditions or in the other people concerned by the situation. The reason that you are unable to achieve the project that inspires you, to attract the new relationship you want, or the work you covet, finds its source in the existence of negative or conflicting energies in you. And all the actions you take to correct the situation or to get things done will not have the desired result until the energy behind your actions has changed, because this energy emits a discordant vibration.


Take a moment to realize that when your thoughts are turned to the lack of what you want, that feeling of lack becomes the energy that prevails in your vibration. And you reap in return the fruits of this non-harmonious vibratory impulse which makes persist this lack in your life.

When you really want something and pay a lot of attention to it by your thoughts, your words, your actions, etc., you create an energetic momentum that can have considerable power. But when this powerful movement is nourished by doubts about the possibilities of realization, by the fear of failure or being judged, by worry about the future if your project is not realized, by conversations about everything which prevents you from getting there ... well, you will have experiences that will confirm your fears and worries. Because you always receive in response experiences that exactly match the vibration that you emit.

On the other hand, when you are able to support what you desire with a clear and powerful vision of what you want, with positive thoughts, conversations and activities, full of confidence and enthusiasm, you create a positive creative momentum. powerful that is in harmony with what you desire. What to do when you realize that you have been dragged into a creative drive that is focused on doubts and problems and that generates the opposite of what you want?

It is of course quite possible to reverse it, but it is not done at once. Imagine throwing a ball at a bowling game and the ball misses its goal. You have to stop, take another ball and start your run again, do not you? And this time, you take the time to line up before restarting your ball with just the necessary force. Well, it's about doing a little bit the same thing.

You must take a break so you can start from scratch. And for that, you have to start by stopping everything, even stop thinking about your project. You must realign your whole being, that is, your thoughts as well as your emotions and your beliefs, with the flow of universal energy that is at the heart of your being. When you are aligned with this energy, your creative power emits a powerful, positive creative vibration. You are aligned with this energy when you feel good, you feel inspired, enthusiastic, supported, confident, solid, pampered, you are full of hope and joy, etc. Your emotions always let you know if you agree with your true nature or not.

Since it's hard to stop thinking about something that's bothering you, one way you can help yourself is to stop for a few minutes to soothe your mind and make inner silence. The best time for this exercise is in the morning when you wake up. A new day is always a new beginning. It's a blank page, it's an opportunity to start from scratch, because you have no thoughts yet. You can choose to blacken the new page immediately by reminding your mind of all your worries and doubts or you can choose to write a new chapter.

Simply starting your day by focusing on your heart, asking to feel in inner communion with your Source and making the effort to soothe your mind, engages a whole new state of consciousness, a new vibratory state. It is likely that it will take several tries before you can calm down, but this exercise will help you gain a lot of control over your thoughts. You can use different methods to soothe your mind like listening to very soft music, focusing on a monotonous and repetitive noise or just focusing on your breathing and your heart.

Begin your exercise by asking that your whole being be in perfect coherence with the energy of unconditional love. Then clearly state your intention,

For example:

"My intention is to soothe my spirit, so that I feel in communion with my inner being. My intention is to learn to master my thoughts. My intention is to be in a state of receptivity allowing me to receive the guidance of my authentic being "

In this state of inner calm, you now have the opportunity to appreciate the present moment as it is and to realize that you need nothing else to feel good. You are no longer dependent on external circumstances or others to be calm and serene. You can feel this state of inner serenity whenever you want. And when you get to feel that state, you know that you are in an energy that allows you to make a fresh start because you are now in tune with your true nature.

Think about your project and see what is on the surface. Are you able to imagine it as if it were already realized? Do you clearly feel the possibilities? Then take the time to identify patterns of thought and attitudes that limit you and prevent you from materializing your desire. You must see them for what they are: limited perspectives that are not in accord with your true nature. For the spiritual energy that is yours is perfect, complete, it is always present, loving and powerful. It is made of the same energy-consciousness as the Source. You are at a new starting point, allowing you to recreate. All the doubts, all the fears, all the beliefs which prevent you from realizing your desire can then be reformulated and replaced by new perspectives more in agreement with the true nature of your being.

And to get out of this whirlwind of negative energy, you can start observing your thoughts so that negative thoughts, helpless thoughts, or worries do not get the upper hand. It's relatively easy when you become aware of these thoughts at birth, but it's a lot harder when you let them climb up and take up all the space. In this case, you will have to return to the zero point to recreate a more harmonious vibration.
Thanks for reading.

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