Life lessons to avoid problems and stay safe.

Hello Steemians! Today I read the post @anomadsoul that he was in a bad situation and was forced to fight back the guy for his inadequate behavior. We draw instructive lessons from life situations. I quote his words and think it's a good motivation for all of us.

  • "The true experience from here is that none of us should drop our guard anywhere. We live in a crazy world where everything can happen and in a matter of seconds our lives can change forever."

You can read his post about it:

I thought about this situation and tried to analyze my behavior and my habits, which may be able to prevent unpleasant consequences. Here are a few of my principles that I follow in order not to lose vigilance and remain safe.

When I'm about to leave the house, I always check the contents of my purse for the presence of the most important: keys, money, phone. You'll say it's corny. But what it's like to be without money . Or how many difficulties can arise with the absence or loss of keys to your home? My cell phone saved other people's lives more than once . When I was a witness to the accident and I had to call the Rescue Service. Therefore, the phone is an opportunity for me to always call someone for help.


When I visit hypermarkets and large shopping centers or at a railway station or at a large concert event, I always try to visually navigate in such a place to understand the layout and see where the exits are. In such places, there is always a large concentration of people. If there is something wrong and the situation gets out of control, people tend to cause a panic that leads to bad consequences.

We're all in a hurry somewhere. I live in a multimillion-dollar city , where the streets are always full of people. Sometimes in a hurry you can inadvertently encounter with anyone on the pavement or in the subway. I can't know what's on this man's mind. It's possible that he's aggressive, inadequate, he may have a gun, he may be under the influence of alcohol, or he just has a bad day. In such cases, it helps me common courtesy and a smile. I try to smile, apologize and move on.


Being in public places I try to look closely to people around me. I try to listen to my intuition. If any man looks suspicious to me too, I'm going to try to stay away from him.


In my life, it so happened that I survived several terrorist attacks in Moscow and St. Petersburg. I've seen what can happen when people are exposed to a huge panic and fear. And every time I was saved by my intuition or some sense of caution. I did not get on the subway train a few seconds before the terrible tragedy, I did not go down to the underpass a couple of minutes before the explosion, I trusted my intuition and did not go to a play that was captured by terrorists who held the entire auditorium hostage for three days. It's probably just luck, but I trust my intuition.

I don't know how to fight and I don't have any special karate belt. I can probably be an easy target for a striker. But at least if I feel danger, I try not to panic and keep in the lateral field of view of the person from whom I see danger to me.

Our world is sometimes a dangerous place. I wish You all to remain vigilant and stay safe!

Thank you for Your attention and Your visit. I appreciate Your feedback and comments.

The pictures are made by me with the camera SONY DSC-W350 (unless otherwise stated)

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