C r i p p l e d

I am staring blankly at this empty page which asked me " what's your story?"

Yeah- what's my story?

Can I say I am so jaded ?

I even have no energy to answer a simple question as "how are you?". Truth be told, I have been off my magical herb for almost two weeks. Well. Things are somewhat fine though. I have a proper schedule and start going to school with enthusiasm. However, there was something missing.

I might have to say I am an addict.Yes. I can't stop consuming the herb which helps me fill the void. I don't know what that is to be precise. But this herb has helped me afloat and been keeping me sane.

source : Brain Fog: Causes, Symptoms and Solutions

This noon I was tossing and turn in bed. I was weeping whilst weighing my choices. To be honest, I didn't have too many options. In the end, I forced myself walking to the pharmacy. Well, this place is not your regular pharmacy. It's a small building with various traditional herbs and medications being displayed. It has a dim light with an owner who seemingly always busy on the phone.

We always exchange a short conversation.Sometimes, he tells me about other herbs that has the same function. " No, thank you". That's what I always say politely.

As usual, I proceed walking to my favorite coffee shop. This time I ordered a mocha and a glass of water.

I took out two capsules and ate them.

I waited sometime for it to kick in. Then It worked like a charm.

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