Sunshine, rainbows, and rocks


Ainaži Northern pier and beach

Some of you might have noticed how spaced out my posting here on Hive has been lately. I hope it is not being perceived as me losing interest in this place. It is not the case at all. I have missed posting and being involved with the community more. But life has been a bit chaotic and hectic, and I had to drop some things so that some other stuff could happen. I have managed to collect a bunch of adventures that I still would like to share here. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

There have been a lot of changes in my life this year. I have my place now. I am learning to deal with most things on my own. I got a new gardening plot too. I think I managed to create the most successful garden in my life so far this year! I can’t wait to write about it here. A ton of my energy and time went into it. I tried my best to document everything, of course.

At the same time, not everything has been a cakewalk. My energy levels were quite depleted and still are sometimes. I felt like a game character whose power has been drained, and I still try to make the jump. My creative side suffered a lot because of that. I stopped all of it for months. I had ideas for projects. I even gathered materials for them, but it just did not seem like the time at all. Instead, they just sat in the corner sadly and got covered in dust while I was dealing with people and meh situations. None of which I like very much.

After about six months or more of emotional rollercoaster rides, I finally painted again. First four days, it was all I wanted to do. I am working on two things at the same time now and it is not bothering me one bit. I just want to paint. It is great! I will be participating in Inktober this year also. Call me crazy after the last time. It is one of the two things. The other one, I will reveal later! Spoilers, I think it is one of the most fun things I have ever worked on!

It was after this awesome day at Ainaži, the inspiration struck me again.


The day was perfect for a beach day. One of the last hottest days of the summer. Almost no wind and no horse flies this time around, yay! The sea was calm and quite shallow in this spot. You would need to walk for a while to reach any kind of depth there. And the sea bottom has almost no rocks. Everything was tidy and clean. There were plenty of trash bins all over, changing facilities, and sunbathing beds. Not so many people were roaming out and about, surprisingly. Perhaps, the nearby event kept them all away that day. It was exactly what I needed to recharge a bit.


It was a lovely time without much care in the world. While listening to tiny waves crashing on the coastline, enjoying tasty watermelon and snacks, and floating about in the salt water.



This pathway leads directly from the parking lot to the beach.




The Northern pier is located near the border of Estonia. If you look on the left side of it, you see Latvia. You look on the right side of it, and that is Estonia.

It would be a shame to pass on stopping by the Northern pier while in Ainaži. Piercing into the Baltic sea the Northern pier is all made out of rocks. Perhaps, that is where all the rocks had gone? It has been here for many decades now, as the carvings and strange shapes in the rocks will tell you. It has been around longer than me and even my parents. Which is a strange feeling if I think about it now.

I was fascinated by the different shapes and markings, the sea, and likely many storms imprinted into the rocks. And the bright yellow and gray moss that was growing on them in some very odd patterns turned even more so vibrant and pronounced in the setting sun.







Hello neighbors, Estonia! ^^


Hello, my dear Latvia! <3




The closer you get to the sea part of the pier, the more unstable the rocks become. At some spots, the pier had even fallen apart. That is an indication of how powerful natural forces can be here. The Northern pier has fought many great battles with the northern winds. That is for sure!


About here was the bit where I regretted my shoe choice of the day. Sandals without ankle support are not something I would recommend anyone wearing while walking on some pretty shaky rocks.





Talk about the golden hour! Look at that moss! All those yellows! So pretty!





The moss decided to mimic bubbles on this one.


The sunset was pretty amazing too!



I hope you enjoyed the photos in this post! I am happy I can finally catch up and share them.

Oh, and @lemony-cricket and I are going to #Hivefest this year! I have missed the in-person events so much! I have never been to the Netherlands, but I am excited to roam there soon! And to hug some of you! You know who you are!

Will you be there?

Song of the day: Abroad - Be Mine Again

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